Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

Wait, what happened??

Apples might get his wish yet

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@balbec called the trigger-man

The cat is in the bag and the bag is in the river.


To do that to a fellow limerick man n all

Photos taken within minutes of each other. Not sure what you are getting at

Agreed. A cowardly cunt. But sure when Cancun got swept under the carpet these lads thought anything goes. You see the attitude of the limerick fans on here.

I wonder were any posters on the hollies with the lads this year? He will have the kool aid drank anyway no doubt

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Morning Dan!

You are after a busy night I’d say. You seem to have them whipped in line anyway. A pro PRO

You’ve said a mouthful here. This nonsensical defense of something because you support a team an individual plays for is bizarre. A couple of members of this limerick squad could do with a day in the sunshine but the manager was happy to let it all be swept under the carpet when they were on holidays last month. As a limerick gaa fan it’s quite sickening and very difficult to swallow. Hopefully they learn lessons fast but it’s highly unlikely.

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You can be such a Karen at times

But sure lookit they didn’t bring the Liam McCarthy into any pubs

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The chap who started the ruckus, landing a few nice digs, who then got knocked the fuck out is now pressing charges.
Well, his Mammy is pressing charges.

PJ will need to whip out the Cheque Book.

Didnt a limerick player assault a Wexford man on this trip last year as well?

Sworn to secrecy on that one I’m afraid.

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That sounds like one of those made up add ons that gets thrown onto a story.
Mammy pressing charges through a transatlantic team of lawyers

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The blood will be on McManus and Kielys hands if something awful happens but yet everyone will stay quiet. Too afraid to put their head above water. As the mans say you get what you deserve.

@balbec well played.

Straight out of the manual - “first you discredit the sources”

The years behind the iron curtain have served you well

It’s very important to control the narrative very early.


You’re not funny.