Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

Lads are out of control. Only a matter of time before there’s a killing. And be in no doubt, the holiday to Barbados will be at fault


Yes No. 28 of 30 ( an awful lot to bring to an 11 a side tournament but its a handier spin from Shannon I suppose).
He was supposedly back training prior to their All-Ireland Semi final defeat.

Might even it up for ye a bit.

Always was a lovely cut about Malachy.


:laughing: Hon Malachy boy!!


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I know people will say rent free and all that, but I just read the full run down of events in the Limerick hurling squad etc this year. Sweet Jesus.

Reading up on the limerick hurling team in November? Rent free mate

I know mate but fcuk me there’s some litany of incidents, unpleasant ones at that.

+1 @Copper_pipe

Stick it in the Ragget group

Pleasant incidents don’t get much airtime

At least this group waited till they won one before going mental. We have to be grateful for small mercies


They reinvented losing the run of themselves.

@gilgamboa has built up a serious dossier.

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Galway WhatsApp group please

Source material please.

Ah I couldn’t. I think there’s lads here know people involved.

Try to be more pacific.


I’m all at sea

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We likely all have some link, tangential or otherwise, to a county player. List the misdemeanours or forever hold your peace. The jaw of that Athlacca young fella compels you. The blood of a busted snoz of some other fan shall be on your hands otherwise.

G’wan, share.

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I’ll hold my peace.