Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

Exhibit A here - MBB epitomises a happy loser.

You ran applecrumbled off the board for being a winner and for telling the truth.

One panel member tells us how the experience ruined his love of music, especially that of The Cranberries

I break down and weep now anytime I hear “Dreams”. We thought we were in dreamland, but the dream turned into a nightmare like.


I ran no one no where… Apple ran poor tracksuit off the board tho.

The bullying the Limerick lads gave AC for being the only one to stand up and speak the truth was one of the lowest points in the history of this storied forum


Boo fucking hoo

That didn’t sound like an apology to me

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Another Mass anyone…


if you can’t handle heat, go play with your mickey… We are all men here.

The county board should be cleaned out, jp should be told to fuck off and any of the management that aided players getting out of these incidents should be removed immediately.

Who were two Limerick players beating the heads off each other?

Who were the other two sent home?

Who was the cameraperson?

Bullys are not men

God cant help those that have sold their souls to the divil.

1 Limerick player fighting.

1 videoing.

Both sent home.

It wasn’t two Limerick players. It was one limerick player and one random limerick lad. It was a limerick player that filmed it.

Names please

What about bullies?

Gillane filmed it. Colin Ryan done the punching.

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Gillane was the cameraman this time. Dowling was for the drug video. They clearly take a very Prince Andrew approach to PR these guys


In camera, you could say