Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

Too palsy walsy with players as Richie Bennis might say…he’s learned now that you can’t be too nice to them, which is a shame as a couple have spoilt it fir the majority. Tbeyre a great bunch fir the most part and the couple of incidents were from lads in their early 20s ffs. We’ve sll seen the inside of a cell at that age ffs.

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Shocking scenes in New York.

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are you alright ?

What happened in Cancun?

I’m not the better of it to be honest.

My biggest regret in life is wishing Limerick well on twitter after they won the All Ireland in 2018. We all created these monsters.


I had such hope for this bunch of Limerick Hurlers.

‘Tis lucky there was no camera printers back in 1996 after the antics of some of your fellow Pikemen.

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Id never turn my back on my county either but there’s multiple people high up involved here. Sometimes you have to make a stand for the good of the future of your county. It may come at short term costs but so be it. This above the law behavior has been justified for the best part of 16 months now and it isn’t right.

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Nail on the head. Free booze and free holidays with no repercussions. It’s amazing it’s gone wrong.

Am I right in what I’ve been told, that this New York business is only the tip of the iceberg of what’s been going on?

Deflect Deflect Deflect


I’ll take a PM on what happened in Cancun.

Straight from a Frankie Dolan playbook I’m told.

back for more Limerick action… Pure box office.

Digging between a couple of players.

But a snooker table and alot more participants.

Limerick Limerick Limerick Limerick

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How about the multiple arrests of the ginger dwarf from Kinvara… Some of his antics are straight from a rapists playbook… No comment on that I suppose as that’s standard inbred Galway behaviour.

Relax bud, I’m as shocked and upset as you are.

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