Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

In a good way I hope.

They were probably being smuggled in to sort out all the Heroin found in the house out near Bulgaden.

It’s so hard to get staff these days…

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“Trial Pays”

Ewan is starring in the GAA hour live show next week at the Mansion House. It’s a debate, there are some master debaters lined up like Joe Brolly and Ken Early.

Unfortunately no, still a minor next year

It’s some fall from grace for guys who were up at 7am doing recovery sessions after the all Ireland final last year.

Well known that JP is great mates with the Quinn Paymaster. Wouldn’t be surprised if theres a link here

I won’t say it’s positive news or good news but paul Browne is retiring. He’s a great example to young players as he significantly improved as his career went along. He turned into a very good midfielder and one of our most consistent players. A really dedicated fella and always gave his all. Real pity about his injury in 2018 robbed him off a lot of playing time in our all Ireland win. I’d hope he’s involved in limerick gaa in some capacity.


Well done JP

Browney :clap::clap:

Terrific servant. Pity he picked up that injury which disrupted his last couple of years at intercounty level.

One of the few good things Justin McCarthy did was give this guy his debut. Ultra reliable and consistent, always used to chip in with scores and a phenomenal engine.


bit like Laois winning all Ireland minor football titles?

Oh no doubt

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That’s hilarious. They’re some gutless wonders. A detailed article without naming either of the Limerick players. :joy:

When the seagulls follow the trawler…


These fellas are amateur street brawlers mate, they have to get up for work in the morning same as you or me

When the seagulls follow the brawlers…


Drink Driving, Drug Use in public, Brawling outside nightclubs, Brawling on team trips, prostitution services engaged with Liam McCarthy in their presence.

Lads laughed when they blanked @backinatracksuit with a visit to the kids, said they’d done enough etc. @backinatracksuit was probably better keeping these cunts away from those poor kids.


Could it all be put down to ‘roid rage’?