Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

Who is it in involved? I never said what I wanted. I want kiely removed immediately. No teams entered in inter county competitions until the bottom of the Guarda corruption case is sorted. The nap players didn’t get thrown off the panel for that time in the taxi or a very prominent nap forward walked out of Henry street too that time of the window out side super macs by all accounts if you believe stories you hear. I presume you are referring to these stories? These lads are fairly lawless if everything is to be believed on here. I don’t know the truth what has happened but Heads most roll at the top for this issue to be truly fixed imo. Kiely made the right decision but his hands were tied.

Off you go again. Your club mate has a powder problem lest we forget.

Your county manager has a rape problem.

:exploding_head: :astonished: :eyes:


You drew him out the loveliest there

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You sir! Are worse than Hitler!

No no. He just had another mental breakdown thats all

Lovely. All the usual suspects hopping again… I don’t know how I do it.

Bould Petey calling in the favour from Inspector Fix It too.
But that’s all okay as it’s being dealt with IN HOUSE

I saw on a flyer that the Limerick Senior Hurling panel are having a meet & greet in the Jetland Shopping Centre tomorrow. Can’t remember the exact time. Can’t see it listed online either.

Lovely. Just a few things
How is the parking at the Jetland?
I hear theres a good chance of snow in the area tomorrow?
Will anyone be recording the event?
Would they mind exchanging some holiday snaps?
Any truth in the rumour Conor McGregor is the guest speaker?

A disgusting post.

That’s been categorically disproved.

Once again it’s really strange that a Tipp fan would try cast aspersions like that.

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Coke doesn’t stay in your system for more than 48 hours so absolutely nothing was disproved.

My mate has curated an exhibition currently on show there… A history of the ballroom/dances held there.

You crawl back into your bullshit chamber. You are afraid of having an opinion for fear of standing alone.

It’s an obsession… The voyeurs can’t help themselves.

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You’d know all about it, sure didn’t you snort half a farm and gamble the other half. A good for nothing.

The full camera footage cleaned it up nicely.

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