Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

A coke test 48 hours after an incident disproves nothing. This is fact. It’s the same as having a photo of somebody speeding. It’s a simple concept.

Watch the video.

I dunno, looked more like some kind of white powder substance to me

I haven’t seen the video so I can’t comment on it.

You keep commenting on it. You really must be stupid. I’ve a good mind to let the Casey’s know what you’ve been posting.

I didn’t mention anything on the Casey’s. A coke test after 48 hours is meaningless. It’s a fact.

We were discussing a specific allegation. You said it wasn’t disproved. Stop trying to worm out of it, you know well what you said.

It wasn’t disproved though

Chatting Dust

He has nipped the wrong visitor.

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It could take 3 years & Mr Fix It was making it disappear regardless.

A coke test post 48 hours disproves nothing. That is what I’ve said. I haven’t seen the video. I haven’t mentioned names. I merely Pointed out facts.

I haven’t seen the video so I can’t comment.

We need a new Thread…

We could call it “ Acts of Exposing Posters in REAL LIFE “

I won’t lie, it looked really bad for Petey.



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That was a surreal response, I don’t think I’ve witnessed anything like that before.

Shur the same fella didn’t know who Casey was one day when he was lining out minor for NaP.
