Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball




Calling lads Retards, is that what you’re reduced to now?

I’m loving my new Santa hat

Gas cunts


As flies to wanton gods are we to the intercounty hurlers, they kill us for their sport.
Rough translation, I doubt the caseys give a shite if some no mark on here suggests they snort coke an odd time. True or false, who fucking cares? Not I anyway.


It’s all about next August kid.

Ye won’t see August. Galway will batter ye.


:smile: :smile: :smile:


Galway wont batter a fish in supermacs


Sid vicious had his IC career brutally curtailed.

We will smack your heads

The only thing ye’ll be smacking is one of @Lazarus guitar off a wall

Better to take your angst out on my guitar than each other my friend

I won’t be the one with angst.

Ok just meet a few in the know types and apparently the under 20 set up Is a shit show and totally humiliating. It’s gutting to be honest we never seem to learn our lessons.

Elvis is well known. A coward that’ll do anything for a few free tickets.

Neither do you.

I always wondered how these guys get appointed. I didn’t even think he was involved with limerick and his stock is hardly gone up since nap.