Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

Do you feel better now?

I’m actually in savage form this evening. You?

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I got perished out playing golf while ago, I’m afraid I’ll lose a thumb to frostbite. I’m grand otherwise though

4 dispossessions was hooking, blocking and tackling Galway players with they lost the ball. please keep up or stop making a fool out of out yourself.

I ate a savage Coffee Slice out of Margueruites Bakery there with a hot mug of tae, unreal.

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He played well in 2018. He played shite in 2019. Hopefully he plays better in 2020. Now that’s fucking statistics

:popcorn: So he only had the ball 9 times then…? Yet had 11 passes. And then got on the ball 12 times (7 and 5 in each half). That’s unreal. Almost unbelievable…

About 70% of all DOD’s possessions are sideline cuts

No it was something like 14 or 15 times but that’s only off the top of my head.

But But But… that was not what we were presented with

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Right, go away and watch it for the 32nd time and this time try and get it right. Good chap.


No I’m 100 percent right you and are horribly wrong. You counted dispossessions as possessions Bizarrely enough with out any reason or explanation.

So you reckon DOD had 9 possessions and made 11 passes with those 9 possessions. That’s some going, to be able to pass a ball you don’t have


You are having another meltdown here and quite clearly should log off but I’ll try make it a little more simple. I merely presented a Snapshot of his importance to the team as a whole. I made no comments on his his wides or him losing The ball. Clearly stats aren’t your thing as you count dispossessions as possessions. This will be my last reply as while you meltdown and continue to twist and turn I doubt many other on lookers are as amused as I am.

So you presented his stats to show his importance without presenting his wides or how many times he lost the ball :thinking: :laughing:

Good man you are!

Thanks. It’s a bitterly disappointing defeat. Possibly the most difficult result of any sports team I follow to accept.

I’m sorry but it’s rather amusing seeing breakmyballs completely misunderstand a point dig in, try a few personal insults and then claim a bizarre internet victory after making a tit of himself and annoying everyone else reading the thread. Unusually he hasn’t used the :pint: emoji yet tonight.

11 passes out of 9 possessions


you don’t always have to pass when you are possession…

So he did even more with the ball than 11 passes??? Fucking wow. And all that from 9 possessions… unreal

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