Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

What was said to you, mate?

I wont repeat it but I’ve a fair idea which posters were involved.

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In Limerick city?

I’m sure it’ll give you some satisfaction if the Dow doesn’t get to go.

Your attitude makes me sick.

are you drunk?

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Myself and @Gary_Birtles_Lovechi have offered to travel in lieu of those unable to take up their deck chairs in Sandy Lane due to club commitments.

However, should our own respective clubs be still involved at the latter stages of the club championship then the offer is null and void.

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Is Gary going to the City Ground this season?

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You should burn your tickets dodgy in a stand against mcmanus

You peasant.
Deck chairs?

There’ll be individual air conditioned relaxation units

And friendly native females no doubt

Will the lads have to learn how to play Backgammon before they head over, I wonder.

You make some good points mate but you’re cutting against the grain. There is nothing you can do about it, whining here will not change anything. Relax yourself and let it go.

I won’t let it go. If more people spoke out maybe people could make a change. It’s nothing against the squad. They deserve a break and so do the footballers but this is ott.

What do you expect to achieve?

There once was a dream that was Limerick

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I want the team to be successful and win multiple all Ireland’s.

That’s what we all want mate. Unwind yourself, you’re too caught up here on this forum.

Better to have the distraction of a holiday well out of the way before training starts.

I often wondered how a bookie from Limerick managed to get in the position to have the right information and the funds to make 10s of millions on the collapse of the Mexican peso.

It was the Argentian Economy he bankrupt.