Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

Every gaa manager and selector in the country

Oh sweet fucking Jesus.

Kiely doesn’t wear ear pieces during Champ matches. It was Jimmy Quilty who relayed the info in 2018, not sure who done it in 2019.

Full game is on YouTube if anybody else wants to get stuck into it.

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I’ve it on the sky box but the mother is after taking the remote off me.


Brendan Cummins ( who has been a huge addition to RTÉ Gaa coverage ) pretty much sums up the KK tactical win there at start by saying Kyle Hayes hitting a ball up to where he should be positioned.

You can’t teach these lads @anon60384913

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What jaws me is we hear about all this prep the management do and hours but theyd no answers for kilkennys simple tactics. I’ve no doubt kinnerk is a brilliant coach and can design a game plan but as an in game tactician I think he comes up short.

It was sheer over confidence.

After beating KK in NP in the League and whipping Tipp they believed the hype. Simple as that.

Alan Cunningham

Good man.

Would you ever give up on flogging that very dead horse Har? Cummins :rollseyes:

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Excuse me, I find Brendan an excellent co commentator and analysts.

I can’t help it if you yearn for that clown from Feakle to return with his shite.


Cummins is about as astute as a side of bacon


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Don’t often agree with you but Brendan is a great analyst none of the old “intinsity“ and hit and whip shite that Cyril and Loughnane came out with


He’s very fair in his analysis. The night he was on with Donal og and Derek was tv gold. The two boys shiteing on and Cummins there not knowing where to look. A Very steady man


Flanagan out for the year with an ACL.

Bit uncouth but a rale hurlin man TBF !

Ah Jesus