Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

It wasn’t it was early enough in his career. He meet taibor through that I believe and some more coolmore partners. They made a fortune betting. Taibor was struck off from all British race courses they were so corrupt. a Jewish man Lewis something or other who was the lad that went betting on the pound and ended up costing Britain billions in the early 90s was then introduced to Jp. He’s the fella that got Jp and Desmond involved in currency exchange and today I’m prettty sure Desmond is his top advisor. I’m open to correction on that I’ve heard the story a few times but nearly all his contacts came through racing which they are still at today. To put into context how much Jp was making betting in the 80s joe Donnelly accidentally transferred 300k I think to Barney Curley to buy a horse from one account. Donnelly was considered a small fish at the time considered to Jp so that shows you the money he was making off horses in the 80s.

Lads, can ye take this elsewhere?

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JP made his big money off poker, before the real big money at currency. The bookies and horses was only pocket money.

No this is the fella you endorse to run limerick gaa. Remember what Sean Fitzpatrick and his friends done to our economy? How times were so tough? Jp has done it to how many economies now around the world and purely out of pure greed. Of course it’s easy side step when it’s not on your doorstep. This was limerick gaa is being represented by.


True but there are probably poor cunts in nursing homes who got a flake off him .

And that’s a fact.

Incorrect. The poker stories is nonsense. The original money was made betting. It’s argued how much Jp has ever made from currency exchange and many say he’s simply a front for Lewis up until recently. The vast majority of his money made in the 80s was betting and it was invested in properly around London. Ladbrokes spelled from that too I guess.

Sylvie is sound I might add

He’s a bollox.

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self made man. No farm to inherit.

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I didn’t know corruption was ok If you didn’t have anything to inherit.

Massive yawn. :sleeping:

According to some jp is the boss of limerick gaa so this info is very relevant surely?

Mexico maybe? Doubt JP would approve of that

The ‘Well v Kilmallock tomorrow night.

If Kilmallock lose are they out?

No they will finish on 5 points and finish comfortably in 3rd or 4th

Amazing the amount of lads who don’t know the true story of JP. Lads giving it big licks and know nothing.

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Is this on the YouTube?

Not at all.

Top two go straight into semi finals.
Third and fourth to into quaters against the top two in B group.
It will be the same 4 in the semis. Na Piarsaigh The Well Kilmallock and Doon. Adare came close to rocking the top 4 against Doon last week but fell shy. Cant see tgem beating either NaP or the Well in their last two games

A one off shock result it is Hard see that top 4 being unsettled for at least 5 years