Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

Limerick have only competed in one AI series since winning theirs, and lost by a point to a joke of a decision (effectively, even though we were poor). Please do enlighten me on how this group could have won 3 All Irelands since 2018

Adare are the closest but who are the most likely to fall out of the top 4? Cant see Na P the Well or Killmallock. Doon are the most likely to be caught only because they are as likely to fight between themselves if they dont win the county soon.

Again i’m unsure of the playoff job for senior. How many go through in Senior 1 and 2?

Top 2 in A Straight to semis
3rd and 4th in A to quarters where they meet the top 2 in the B

Only the top in B gets promoted to A next year to replace Liberties who are back to B next year

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:+1: :+1: Cheers pal

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Four from senior 1 & 2 from senior 2 .

That said Doon are permanently competitive at every grade in premier division . The reality is that nothing coming behind is really better than top 4 .

Wrinkly oul gammon is what you’ll find there.

You could facilitate this by identifying yourself.

5 years is a long time. They do look untouchable at the moment but you never know.

Garryspillane won the last two minors, the fuckers over in Ballybrown look like they’re the strongest this year. Both those sides are senior already. So are Monaleen, who are surely coming; Mungret might get promoted in the next few years.

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:joy: :joy: :joy:

I’m saying they could have won 2-3 more but thanks to the suits allowing jp to pull the strings.

Lovely interview with Brian Cody where he talks about honesty, hard work and humility. An appreciation of how lucky they are is a key to their long term success. It’s a Pity limerick can’t adopt this policy instead we will be defined by five star hotels.

Who is most likely to drop out of the top 4 tho?

Weirdly, although I think they might possibly win the senior this year, the Well are the most fragile in the long term.

Adare no? Wouldn’t have much underage I would think?

Adare aren’t in the top 4.

The 'Well are most likely because of the size of the parish but it won’t happen for 10 years or so, if it does.

Shite, I read that wrong. Yeah then The well I’d agree with.

Although if they poach Cathal O’Neill, that’d be another nice bolster to their attack for the next decade.

I’m not saying they’re going to get hugely weaker, just that other teams will get stronger.

NAP will be ropey for a while… they kind of took the eye off underage for a few years, I don’t think they’ve a good crop back to Dowlings crew this year. So they might have a 5/6 year gap

*The age profile of the current group should see them through that.