Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

Hennessy was tried in goal. Finn full back. Dan centre back. Nash wing. Hanley midfield. DOD wing forward. Dempsey corner. Reidy was tried wing and centre and tom played centre.

But ya. We tried nothing

Dan has never being tried at CB before? :smiley:

You’re some fucking sheep.


Finn played full back in the league last year, morrissey has regularly played Centre back, Hanley isn’t going to be any better than wod or dod. Dempsey and reidy have regularly played league games.

Go way you contrary bollocks.

Hanley was tried, but sure he’s not going to be any better than what’s there so it doesn’t count.

We changed plenty.

What are you on about? I’m talking about changing the game plan. Our championship fifteen will be Quaid, Casey, Finn, English, 3 of hannon, Byrnes, Nash and morrissey, 2 of Lynch, dod, wod, 3of Hayes, hego, morrissey and dod and three off Casey, Gillane, Flanagan and Mul. Giving lads a chance is cliched bolox that you’d swallow. You have zero understanding of the game.

Really it’s going to be Morrissey/Nash, DOD/WOD and Mul/Casey.

Make up your minds will you

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Don’t waste your time on the sheep, mate.

You consistently call these things as you see them regardless of the County.

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I’m talking about trying peter Casey at Centre forward or something different. Not trying Tom condon and bloody David Dempsey and saying oh look we experimented.

DOD was wing forward but was playing deep, in a free role. He played a lot of direct ball into the full forward line. That’s new.

There isn’t a whole pile needs changing.

Yerra David Dempsey has been mostly nowhere near the team for the last two years, so seeing him going well and staking a claim is better imo than just trying some fella for the sake of it.

There were a few lads who looked promising in the Senior League, Darren O’Connell looked good in the Tipp game I think and was on the subs bench last night, hopefully he gets his chance.

Hayes regularly played deep.

Wouldn’t have David Dempsey anywhere near the likes of peter Casey. He’s not great in my opinion.

You’re a gas man. If someone suggests starting Dowling or another player you don’t like, you say you can’t start him he doesn’t fit in Kiely’s system. Now you want the system changed. Moving the goalposts again.

Is WOD still only a wing back and so we couldn’t start him either?

Is DOD at half forward not an experiment? He’s very different to the trio that played there the last two years anyway. Dempsey starting for the first time in two years. Nash’s first start at wing back isn’t it? He had a run at 6 too. Seems like a bit of experimenting just in that much for round one of the league. Maybe you should observe for a little while first before making silly pronouncements?

And if dowling isn’t back it’s going to leave us with little game changers on the bench. Particularly if Gillane, Casey and Graeme start.

Hayes didn’t play diagonal ball into the full forward line, like DOD.

You don’t like to have your views or opinions challenged. You’re only happy when sheep like @carryharry are agreeing with you

Everyone else is only lambasting you

Harry isn’t agreeing with him he’s winding him. Painfully obvious stuff.

You are so simple it’s not even funny. I’m saying dowling can’t start in this system. I’d be all for trying dowling at 11 but you’d need to change a few things around him for it to work. You can’t seem to figure this out at all. Kiely isn’t changing his system so no dowling currently can’t start for me as he isn’t suited to it. It’s been two years now and you can’t get your head around the logic.

You never challenge anybodies views. You completely misunderstood what I said and went off on a tangent. You do this on a daily basis on here. It’s bizarre.