Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

There is no logic, you’re directly contradicting yourself.

Yes there is. You pick players to suit the style of hurling you want to play. Each player offers different things to a team.

There you are contradicting yourself again. A player gets a run but he’s not a one you like so you’re in to cut him down. “I want to see players tried! No not that one! Waa waa waa.”

You said we wont do anything unless we try different things. I pointed out what we did different and you threw the toys out of the pram.

You do this on a daily basis. Its bizarre

One day you argue a player doesn’t suit our style, next day you’ll argue the style should change. That is a direct contradiction of your own logic.

Will you stop, Cody & Co absolutely destroyed Kiely last year. Had the LK setup figured out & Kiely couldn’t change it up.

To @anon60384913’s credit he warned that it was getting to predictable and it was a dangerous ploy.

The rest of ye were too busy living off past glories & League titles to smell the ambush.

I didn’t say that at all. I said I want to see the game plan evolve. Something like peter Casey at 11 or Hayes at 6 with hannon and Nash as half backs. You are trying really hard here but you are not getting it. We have 19 or 20 players at the level and you could easily pick 13 or 14 of the starting team and it’s only January.

He’ll go bananas altogether when breen and Dowling come back from injury and start getting runs.

We didn’t try different things yesterday it was the same just with lesser players.

Our puckouts were vastly different.

DOD was vastly different to anything we’ve tried before.

You’re giving out its the same 18 or 19 players and your solution is… The same ones. You’re making a complete fool of yourself again. You can’t even maintain consistency of your logic within one post.

Fitness won through last night, not tactics you imbecile.

I’m not giving out at all. I’m being realistic. It’s very easy to pick the team but if we change the tactics we could significantly improve as a team with the same players.

cc @anon60384913

2016 Minor panels which reached AI Final.

Off the top of my head, 9 of the Tipp panel have gone on to be involved at Senior with Tipp.

How many would you say ref Limerick? Kyle & Nash. Many more?

Point in case, Tipp won Senior too that year and I’m glad to see lads getting chance.

Why is Kiely so afraid to give young lads in Limerick a chance? Is it PJ putting too much pressure hence limiting what he can do experimentally?

I never said tactics won out. You imbecile.

No new players, existing players being tried tactically in different positions is what you said.

They were 6 or 7 different to what youd see in championship. It wasn’t the winning or losing of the game. The wind and the bench had huge impacts.

Please try not to project so much

I don’t think that was a great minor team being very honest. The two boylans will probably feature this year. Maybe Brian Ryan. Jack o Grady isn’t making himself available. After that there wouldn’t be many more at the level now. Like kiely can “experiment” all he likes with Adrian breed, Dempsey, reidy and the likes but they are all 25 plus and unlikely to make the starting team come championship. You need to think outside the box.


Do you want him to magic players out of thin air is it?

The age profile is very good and the best 36 players in the county are on the panel.

They play to a strict gameplan. They always will. It’s been successful and it will continue to be.

KK played well for 20 minutes last year — Limerick were too lax … Hannon not being taken off did most of the damage. Limerick dominated the game thereafter but hit umpteen wides from very score able conditions ---- as usual you’re talking through your arse