Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

There should be a rule if lad has played a certain number of minutes championship the previous year he isn’t eligible for fitzgibbon or else if he plays fitzgibbon he can’t play in the early rounds of the league. At the moment it’s always the player that suffers.

you missed a decade

That definitely won’t happen anyway. The colleges would send out scholarships to the best young lads in leaving cert so there would be uproar if he can’t play fitzgibbon 4 years later to try bring back the trophy to the college, regardless of how established he is

I’d be very surprised if 9 1999 players end up playing senior hurling tbh.

He didn’t play senior inter county hurling in 2017 so it was a different work load. Fellas like glas want the players to get no break.

As I said the players always suffer. They are left with the choice. Pander to the college or the county manager. Many players from many counties I’ve known on the fringes of their inter county squads feel if they weren’t playing fitzgibbon or sigerson they wouldn’t have been cut from the squad. It isn’t fair on the players. They are being flogged at the moment.

There’s probably lads out there who claim fitzgibbon is a joke because players get no break… Yet those same lads would then probably bemoan the players going on holidays and getting a break… There’s some strange people out there.


I’ve never said the players shouldn’t get a holiday. Many of the limerick squad have already been on holidays and it’s well deserved. I said they shouldn’t get a holiday in a five start resort where the cheapest room is 1200 quid a night in October. I don’t believe the holiday is a proper break either. They are traveling as a squad. My idea of a break Is just leave the panel off on their own devices for at least 60 days. That is what I’d consider a break. No training or no meetings. A physical and mental break from the whole set up.

It’s mad. We’ve an all Ireland winning manager there who appreciates letting players off to play other competitions and rests them when they get back and you’ve lads saying he’ll flog them to death so we should block them playing the Fitz. Nonsensical stuff really.


You can’t keep seem to understand kiely can’t block players from playing the fitz. Colleges pay fees, accommodation and other funds for players. He has to let them to play. John kiely being an all Ireland winning manager is an irrelevance. Player burn out is a major issue for gaa players.

Does anyone know the rate per night in Sandy Lane?

Looking forward to the club action this weekend.

I’ll probably go to LITGG on Friday, Bruff on Saturday for Pats v Hospital and NCW v Feohanagh in Knockaderry on Sunday morn.

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That’s a very complex questions as a number of variables would have to be taken into account.

1200 dollars is the cheapest view. A week with a sea side view is about 26k for a week.

What? Kiely shouldn’t be allowed to block players playing Fitz. Players should play Fitz. It’s a great competition and players want to play in it. Intercounty managers should then manage workload on return and if they’re doing their job right player burnout won’t be an issue.

You have been trying to insinuate kiely is happy for his players to play fitz. He has absolutely no choice in the matter. It’s a player welfare issue. I already said either players should play fitz and not the early rounds of the league or else just don’t play fitz. It should be one or the other. At the moment it isn’t. It’s the players constantly suffering. Gillane played both Fitzgibbon and league games within a few days in 2019. In the long term players will suffer. Its bizarre you seem to think john kiely should be left decide player welfare issues. He has a different objecitve to the fitz manager. So does the club manager.

1200 for the cheapest room

How does the Limerick team travel over every year, is it private jet or commercial airliner

Where do Kilkenny go on their team holiday?

No idea mate. I doubt the hotel room costs 1200 a night though

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Why not play limerick senior championship as a straight knockout between the top 4 for a few years? 2 groups of 6 when you know the 4 semi finalists at the start is laughable and leads to fixture congestion.