Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

Fucking fuck sake I forgot Kirby :man_facepalming:

Amateur hour

Too many ‘well heads on my team

From the lad who included Flanagan.

I included the Dow as well. A handy sub to have.

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You made a hames of it.

It’s my team. I’ll pick whoever I like. Not my fault that Na Piarsaigh are the Johnny Come Latelys of Limerick hurling.

Think Lucey being underrated on this thread. I’d have him above Richie Mccarthy. Richie was a cult hero and had some great moments but Lucey was a hard bastard and solid out most of his time at full back. Tpp 09 aside. But that day was a shocker for everyone


I thought Luceys worse game was in 08 against Clare. Didn’t he get roasted against Offaly too on a Thursday evening?

Fair points. Maybe I’m biased from 2007. He was class that year.
Fucking lethal hard position. Open to an obvious and embarrassing roasting if fellas around you aren’t performing. Makes you appreciate how lucky we are to have Casey, Finn and English (when he is fit)

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Ya full backs are always reliant on what’s going on around them tbf.

That Tipp 09 game is an example of a full back getting cleaned but absolutely nothing he could do because the team were being beaten in every position out the field.

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Who is the greatest minor we’ve ever had?

Shaughs is the best under 21 ever but is he the best minor :face_with_monocle:


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Kyle Hayes


I don’t see Lucey as a contender for selection in the best Limerick 15 tbh. I d pick Casey, Richie, TJ ahead of him at 3. Not saying he was shite, far from it

But what a footballer. Would have made any senior inter county team in his prime.

Cian Lynch


I lose track of who played what years in the late 1990s into the early 2000s so I can only pick a team from 1994 onwards which is when I first took an interest in Limerick

  1. Nicky Quaid
  2. Stephen McDonagh
  3. Richie McCarthy
  4. Sean Finn
  5. Gavin O’Mahony
  6. Declan Hannon
  7. Mark Foley
  8. Ciaran Carey
  9. Cian Lynch
  10. Gearoid Hegarty
  11. Gary Kirby
  12. Ollie Moran
  13. Aaron Gillane
  14. Shane Dowling
  15. Graeme Mulcahy

cant see how Quigley gets in either tbh!

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