Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

A glorified gossip, a dangerous fella in these times.

From the programme

What was the story behind that again?

Some lad was cut from the panel after training all year around before the final. He ran into the field and got himself into the team photo. One of the well known garryspillane players worked in a printers or something like that. He photoshopped said individual out of the photo and that one was circulated after they won the final was my memory of it.

More lies

No I was wrong to post it. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions. I hope he’s ok and you enjoy your Sunday evening. You seem extremely angry over the last few weeks. I hope it’s all over soon for everybody.

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I’m zen. That was a nasty lie to post. His family won’t thank you for it.

I feel sorry for your family having to self isolate with you for three weeks now :pray:

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More lies

The guilt of Cheltenham 2020 has destroyed you, mate.

It’s actually terrible to watch the decline.

Why didnt they just put everyone in team photo?

Why don’t you log back into the @myboyblue account.

Huh, I’m not @myboyblue

On here very little mate. Rather keep my sanity.


This raised over €5,600 at the weekend :clap:


Well done that’s excellent stuff

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That famous old notorious story. Great times and great memories. Internet Gold. Hard to believe it is 15 years ago. At the time in 2005 a few non-Limerick workmates were posting on the An Fear Rua Bogsite and all registering under multiple usernames. They were totally unrelated to the issue and had no particular objective except to stir shit and fuel the matter to a maximum as you do. Lads pretending to be on the inside, but really lads in an office from other counties Clare and Galway. But seriously it was tasty stuff and we all loved it. I am actually very familiar with the story and it has been discussed many times over the years. I actually made a few phonecalls to restore the memory in the last few hours.

At the time Tony Considine was in charge and a decision was made for the County Final to cull a few lads. It was not discipline related as the lads who were dropped were all very upstanding lads, and I wouldnt think any of them were drinkers. It was said in later years to be the brainchild of one particular family wanting to send a ‘we are in charge here’ warning shot to a handful of players who werent dropped. There was a bit of local reaction from some before the final and it kind of created a siege mentality with Tony Considine and the well known family. Considine got a lot of the blame, but the modern belief is that it was not entirely his doing if at all.

Henry Martin defied management apparently citing a loss of earnings and togged out and stood in the team photo. Davy Ryan the captain then lifted the cup and said Tony Considine was the greatest man to ever stand in the field in Knocklong. You can take your own interpretation from that! Then for the Munster Club programme, they photoshopped him out of the team photo and expelled him from the club, which I remember was overruled by the South Board but Garryspillane refused to accept their judgement and said as much at the meeting.

He wrote a long letter of apology a few years later but it was never accepted which was strange. I am open to correction but I do not think that letter of apology ever saw a meeting. Maybe some individuals said they would cease all involvement with the club if he was allowed back. In all these situations, the responsibility lies with the greater number of people to be the better people. If he was man enough to write a letter of apology, the club should have been men enough to take him back.

Some in Garryspillane have never forgiven Henry Martin, others have great time for him but wouldnt like to be seen in his company depending on who was around. Some say it was ridiculous what he did, others say he was right. The ironic thing is that we are not dealing with a criminal here. He is as clean living a man as you get. A schoolteacher below in Cork someplace. Never in trouble with the law, probably never even got a parking fine. Doesnt drink. Id say the man never missed mass in his life until Covid 19.

Whatever happened that time he was labelled a sinner, and believe me there have been seriously guilty sinners around the place before and after. It was a very odd and peculiar situation for many reasons. Henry Martin amongst others would have started playing with Garryspillane a few years earlier when hurling stopped in Galbally. Both clubs lacked numbers and it made sense for them to join at the time but other nearby clubs seem to have got on fine on their own. Galbally and Garryspillane are obviously joined up for playing reasons but are two very different clubs. The high esteem that Henry Martin is held among Galbally GAA folk, is a marked contradiction to the venom towards him from some Garryspillane GAA folk particularly a well known family. He seems to be very involved in Galbally GAA and in a very positive way which makes the Garryspillane situation all the stranger.

As time has gone on, I got to know a few of the people involved through sheer coincidence. I didnt know Henry Martin at the time but I got to know him in recent years. To be fair I have to say he is a thorough gentleman though I think he is probably a lot more mild mannered now and seems to have lost the zest of old wilder GAA days.

Garryspillane GAA are a club who have had only two Chairman in 60 years and that can instil a level of ownership. One particular well-known family hold the balance of power. That in itself is never healthy as people fear going against the grain in case they are made suffer personally. I do recall discussing it with a prominent member of Garryspillane about five years ago and in that conversation Henry Martin was libelled to such a degree that he was virtually accused of worse than murdering JFK, and instigating the London bombings. There was this mindlessly absurd perception that Henry Martin spends every waking moment plotting the downfall of Garryspillane GAA club. I recall being bewildered and felt like recommending professional help.

The big problem seems to be that Henry Martin seems relatively well got with a lot of people in the GAA world and that seems to touch a nerve. But I guess he is seen for what he is, genuine, passionate, straight and has no real interest in the cloak and dagger stuff that many in the GAA world use to their advantage.

I suppose in all these situations if the clock was turned back, what would people do different. Would a more mature Henry Martin have acted different? You would think so. Rewind a little further and would Garryspillane as a club have acted different? You would think so.

It is sad though that the situation turned out the way it did in the long term. Clubs find it hard to get good people and to be fair Henry Martin is widely recognised as a good club man.

Would Henry Martin have something to offer Garryspillane these days? Unquestionably.

Is he likely to be permitted to have an involvement going forward? Highly Unlikely

Is Henry Martin better off a million miles away from that situation? Absolutely 100%


Hi Henry


Fuck the Bouncers anyway, Hillbilly cunts,
SLR is a gent

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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