Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

I didn’t read any the statements until this morning. These gaa retirements never sit well with me. Reading some of his statements I actually thought he could be dying. Dodgey is the perfect example of how to leave in my eyes.

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Jack McCaffrey is a boring cunt from a boring cunt of a team. He chose to ‘retire’ and will be back next year. Dowling has to retire, he has a big personality and isn’t afraid to speak his mind and was a maverick type player. The media like him and people like to listen to him, because he has something to say. What the fuck has Jack McCaffrey to say for himself, because we’ve heard nothing from him. That’s why nobody cares about Jack Mccaffrey, no matter how many boring Football All Irelands he has won. Anything to do with that Dublin team is just zzzzzzzz.

Dowling is a great fella and has won it all. It’s not his fault people are interested in him.


Jack McCaffrey is far from a boring fella. He’s one of the most interesting fellas in the gaa.

Hearing about him tipping down to the Munster final drinking a few cans is great to hear in this day and Age when most gaa players are nearly Afraid do Socialise.

I hope we see jack back soon.

I’d imagine dowling drumming as much coverage so he gets a media gig.


For anybody that thinks jack is boring person they should really educate themselves. He’s a great person and seems to be giving a little back. There was a great piece a few months back about his work in the children’s hospital as well on YouTube.

Jack truly is a boring cunt.

If he had more jacks in the country we’d be much better off.

Seems the edgy one of the lads has the login now @BruidheanChaorthainn

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I won’t have lads dismiss jack McCaffrey as a boring cunt. He’s far from it. He’s also a decent fella that gives a little back.

The story about him going for a pint and a toasted sandwich after dubs game around croke park is interesting too. If you believed the media they are all robots.


The Dow > Jack “I had a pint near Croke Park” McCaffrey

Nobody saying it’s a competition. They are very different types of people. Both great in their own ways but it’s very sad to here somebody dismiss jack as a cunt.

Sure the Dow often went for a snack box after a match

I don’t think that’s true😂

I remember going to watch a league match between Clonlara and Broadford junior B hurlers circa 2001 on a fine summers day and the corner forward for Clonlara ate a choc ice during an injury break in the play.


Sure you brought McCaffrey into the conversation, not me.

Totally agree I must say. I also think within 12 months Dowling will be attempting a comeback.

I can garauntee you he won’t. He can’t. He’ll end up in goals for Na Piarsaigh in the next year.

We definitely haven’t seen the last of him in a limerick shirt alright.

Wait and see. I would nearly guarantee he’ll be back.

The paragraph of JP was fair dirge alright.


It was a knife into the gut

The Dow can do and say what he wants as far as I’m concerned.

Unlike spoofers like Derek McGrath, he has the medals to back it up.

That group of players like Dowling, Hannon, Graeme Mul were the lads who really led the rejuvenation of hurling in the county. They brought an attitude and expectation of winning that was well overdue. Then the minors of 2013 & 2014 like Lynch, Finn, Casey x2, Flanagan, Pat Simon & DOD drove it on again.

Better this happened at 27 and not 17.

Just off to watch him walk all over Cork in 2018 again.

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