Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

One fella did.

Cork will never recover from it

OK, we’ll spell it out for the thick bastards so.

Shane Dowling could become a real option for goals for his club Na Piarsaigh, more than likely next season as opposed to this year.

Pat Simon embarrassing Anthony Nash like that was wrong in fairness, it was a step too far.


To make matters worse, they even admitted it

It was almost Cark-like

John Meyler gave up the sunbeds and hasn’t worn a pair of ‘a size too small’ golf pants since that day.

Simon went too far.

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I think I enjoyed the trip home from that match even more than the trip home from the final

I was holidaying elsewhere in Ireland that week, so travelled to the game from there. There was zero traffic on the road in the direction of where I was headed after getting out of Croker and I ate road home, was settled in my staycation house for the Sunday Game highlights, and when the hurling was over I strolled down the road for 7 or 8 absolutely beautiful pints. Unbelievable. Walked up home singing Seán Sabhat happy out. Beautiful.


I remember by pure coincidence I found myself in no traffic on the south side of Dublin . I said to the aul fella, “we must remember this way for the final”. He replied casually "yeah " and then went " oh fuck, we’re in a final "

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Started a new job the next morning in cork. Great way to start, just about threw on a shirt rather than the Limerick jersey


Will you watch the wedding video again?

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Totally one sided too.

Extra time in the Limerick vs Cork 2018 AI semi-final was mate, correct.

Dowling had a big part to play in that too.

He was totally one sided mate. Only for been a great free taker would never have been heard of.

Did you see me in de telly again kid at the 59 minute mark?

Pat Horgan is in 30’s now and doesnt have half the medals Dowling got, enough of ye below in cork gave that lad abuse for years for just being a good free taker, thats a load of bollocks, pal.

Day of a free-taker being accomodated just for frees is long gone before Dowlings time as well.


Ah come on mate, Horgan twice the hurler Dowling is. 2 sided for a start.

You overshadowed Sombrero Cyril that day, pal…

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Shane does it when the chips are down. Hoggie doesn’t