Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

The most important thing is the underage teams are training.

Running a ridiculous club championship behind closed doors with no promotion/relegation and having to fork out the bones of a grand for training every week should not be high on the list.

I wouldn’t mind it but when you hear trainers are still getting 150 night it’s fairly galling particularly if you are involved in sponsoring or fundraising.

It’s a meaningless championship that will put clubs under savage pressure financially.

Ah it’s a shortened season, clubs are saving a fortune

Picking an extreme example doesn’t justify your point. A grand a week :roll_eyes:. Clubs stupid enough to be doing that deserve what they get


Trainers at club level so be voluntee except for specialist s&c coaches or physio/doctor. Some fellas are bleeding clubs dry because of who they are

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I’d say it’s fairly conservative estimate I’d imagine.

Until spectators return and there’s normal championships run there shouldn’t be any competitive games.

It’s utterly meaningless otherwise and at a ridiculous cost on clubs.

Agreed on that one hundred percent and they are still charging full whack even in these circumstances. Clubs will be screwed next season.

You already see clubs making a balls of dividing up tickets.

Damned if they do, damned if they don’t

If there’s two men and a dog at a league game in February or a shitty day in June is the game meaningless? Ridiculous argument from top to bottom.

They’re probably looking after the lads that stick around of a weekend, ahead of the lads gone to Kerry or Longchamp

It’s impossible to get right. Once supporters realise that a buy a big ladder, it’ll be grand

No that’s just reflection of who’s interested.

If games are closed to the public and they are running ridiculous championships with no promotion/relegation and Also with the potential for a team to be removed due to covid they become utterly meaningless.

When you take this into account along the cost of running these teams and matches on local communities than they shouldn’t be going ahead.

It’s very simple.

We’ve a minor champ game this evening, same teams as last year’s A final. There isn’t hardly enough lengths of wavin to keep lads outside the wall

I’d advise accidentally leaving a gate open at a quiet corner of the grounds

The club is on the hook if someone makes an issue of it. Some clown on twitter can put a pic up and hang us

:laughing: Lads that think because they’re not able to go and watch Na Piarsaigh play, for example, that if Na Piarsaigh win the County Senior Championship the players won’t feel it has any meaning! :sunglasses: Say they beat The Well in the final, The Well lads won’t be sickened at all about losing it because Auntie Joan wasn’t able to go anyway so fuck it! :laughing:

In the grand scheme of things, they won’t give one little fuck. Obviously it’d be nice for family to be there, but again, given the choice they’ll happily leave Mammy and Daddy and the missus at home if it means being able to play Championship.

Don’t be codding yourselves lads ffs.


You can swivel the goalposts as you wish but I think they will give a small fuck. You can post as many smileys as you like but lads would very much like their family present.

Of course they would. But, answer these 2 questions please

  1. given the choice between games without them or no games at all, which would they pick?

  2. If they win or lose a big game without family there will it make any difference to the sense of achievement or loss?

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What happens if a team is an intermediate final and the other team is pulled because of covid?

And then there’s no promotion.

It’s utterly meaningless.