Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

Its ridiculously hard for the secretaries, id imagine both clubs would get the bones of 40 tickets each, most clubs have 2 teams so the junior sides panel would take another 20 for players. How do you split the other 20 even if ypu give preference to underage coaches, volunteers heavily involved in running club, committee members, sponsors. Someone is going to fall out over it.

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He bleeds green & white

The groups of 3 are great for avoiding dead rubbers. We’ll be playing in a 4 team group though.

Clubs don’t get gate receipts anyway.

Most clubs survive off sponsorship, lotto & fundraisers (a bar is a bonus if you have people who go). Obviously income streams are way down this year, but so too are expenses. We’re going save an absolute fortune on sliotars this year.

The ticket issue for this weekend is a balls, don’t get me wrong. I feel really sorry for the secretaries as no doubt they will get serious abuse. Some people who regularly go to games won’t get tickets, that’s just a fact.

But teams were training in November, December, etc. People just want to play matches. They don’t turn up to go training, it’s games they want.


That £3 contribution per year really hurts your boys

Always made us think we’d better play good entertaining hurling seeing as we were paying in to watch ourselves :smiley:

As i said 3 quid a year per man to the coffers from yourselves was value enough.

Fiver mate. Clearly we were being overcharged :eyes::astonished:
A fiver a game as well, including the all Britain finals I was involved in.
That’d be the guts of fifteen quid a year, so you’re only fivefold out.

Let’s call a spade a spade, Leo,meehawl and those other rat bastards care little for club gaa. There’s more sitting outside the Locke skulling liquor with token chicken nuggets then will be inside the Gaelic grounds next weekend

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My apologies it was 7 or 8 years ago. But we had to allow for the exchange rate as some of your lad’s had only euros :smile:

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I wouldn’t know. I’d never seen some of them before.

In fairness limerick club games very poorly supported at best of times.

Good battles that we just come up short. Great standard

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Christ ye battered us all round pairc na heireann for ten years. All I ever really wanted was to see lads like fish win one. They’d been let down by clowns like me for too long. It all became a bit Frankenstein.
Ye were/are a fine side. There was some lovely games to watch played.
I thought at the time, and still think, that we lost the joy of it after the first year. That for us was a great time.
Anyhow, onwards and upwards.

Anyone know if/how to cast the online streams to a chrome cast from the phone? Didnt see a button and don’t want to be pulling around the laptop.

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They’re gonna have to be tighter on Gillane.

Two awful wides from Willie. Hannon throwing shoulders like there’s no tomorrow.

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Goal Gillane.

Adare lead at the water break. Going well tbh. Mark Connolly causing a lot of problems inside, Hannon going well at centre-forward. Brendan O’Connor doing well too.

Aaron Gillane a huge threat and has 1-1 from play and is winning every ball really. Lynch has been quiet, Byrnes on a yellow for a flick on O’Connor. The Well possibly struggling a little on their puckouts.

Unbelievable score from Willie Griffin.