Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

That’s a very surprising scoreline to be honest. That Kilmallock 2nd string are a really nice side and I’m a bit perplexed at how they’d take a beating like that.

Were Na Piarsaigh very strong?

I had a flick through the programme. Both of the Blackrock mentors in these picks are listed as players… also, who is at the wrong side of the pitch here?

One of them is Aidan Fitz, who is listed correctly as Maor Foirne. Other one is listed as a sub alright

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Not particularly I’d say. A couple of notable absences would be Gordon Brown and Ciaran Daly who both seem to be concentrating on football this year.

Unfortunately I’d be loosing touch with the young lads coming through so wouldn’t be that familiar with the Kilmallock team. They had plenty of ball and plenty of opportunity but obviously the scores weren’t coming. They moved up Paudie O’Dwyer in the second half but that didn’t help much. They had no strong dangerous forward. Didn’t look like there was much there to bolster the senior team for future matches.

The Na Piarsaigh half back line controlled the game. Kieran Kennedy, James O’Brien and James Daly the best on show.

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Opposite sidelines should be a given for championship matches really, cuts out a lot of gowling


Very strong half back line for their second team.

The half back line was Kieran Kennedy, James O’Brien and Donal O’Connaill. I might have mislead you with my best on show post above. Ill put a full stop in it now.

James O’Brien was a grand hurler 7 or 8 years ago. Was he away from the game for a time? Thought he had a lot of the raw materials to push on but the centre back role changed considerably around then and a lack of pace might have cost him.


He was centre back on 2011 u21 team wasn’t he?


Had a bad enough injury I think that made him miss a year.

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He was the best hurler on the Na P team on their first run to an AI semi final. He was a monster at 6. I thought he should have been in contention for limerick at the time. Then he got the bad knee injury and never quite got back to the same level. Similar to downes, although poor downesy had several comebacks and major injuries. I have a non-scientific view that possibly both of them bulked up a bit too much in the upper body and that may have held them back. You’re right the role of 6 changed around the time, fuck it he was good though, geary-esque.


He was the natural successor to Geary. Never happened for him unfortunately, and that Geary style was gone from the game at that stage even.

They were allocated opposite sidelines. My understanding is that some Ballybrown mentors crossed to the opposite side and were responsible for starting the bollix-acting.

Theres a surprise


Must be something about the banks of the Barnakyle. I watched the Mungret v K/P game on YouTube and I thought Natal was hurling midfield for Kildimo, he was running around the field that much.


He fell out of favour with Stack and never got back in again. He didn’t suit that type of short pass, move the ball fast type of game. O’Neill never gave him a look in either.

Stack and O’Neill weren’t slow to bring on subs and clean out the Inter/Junior team, Beary and now Bermo seem slower. Hard to see O’Brien get his chance again.

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Ah I stand corrected. Interesting move to list them as players and not have them togged.

Having both management teams/subs/officials on opposite sides of the pitch is the way to go. Dramatically reduces the chance of aggro.

We’ve all seen it at matches before, both teams on the same side twenty or third yards apart, there’ll always be mouthing and if there’s a dust up in front of either everyone piles in.

Ya I was only thinking the other night it’s a bit stupid we were ever on the same side.
They’d want to setup dugouts on the other side as well though

Frank Lampard’s impact on sport

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