Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

All the townies are in Kilkee until September

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And we are running into soccer season

Clochan wanted to go on their own at underage and derailed the Singland Gaels amalgamation. NO one knows why they did it but partly cause Saints went Inter and Clochan went Junior - partly old guard members returned with the attitude we can build it up like the old days we are clochan- sadly mistaken-They have a few 15s and 16s division 3 13 a side and after that in poor poor state - Saints have a few aswell but not a vast amount probably the better quality but Clochan go alone- will be junior for a long long time-seriously deluded-Few saints men did good work-great lads involved-on the hurling side and of course you have the two Hegartys that are a major factor and with a some more added will be ok.


Claughan, Christian’s and Pat’s should join up. They all operate in a small enough area of the Southside with a heap of soccer clubs and rugby. It’s impossible for them

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@ underage possibly say like singland gaels - add in Ballinacurra doing good work and dunno what Christians have would help everyone feed onto their adult teams- it was happening- along came Clochan chairman and couple of mates and derailed and you have what’s happening this week.

Pats and Claughan have both been reasonably competitive at the top levels of various ages in recent years. They still have huge populations to pick from compared to rural clubs but obviously have more competing factors.

Claughan probably have more combined County adult titles than anyone .

They haven’t huge picks really. Claughan have from southill to the parkway and in musgrave street. And have Fairview and granville and young Munster to deal with.

Pat’s have rhebogue and in the dublin road and have the same clubs and Gerladines to contend with.

They might have a big population but they haven’t a huge pick

Christian’s have probably the biggest catchment but have prospect, hyde, weston, Somerville and young monsters

They had players from every part of the county back then-look into it- mercenaries-opposite now players leaving and your above statement is exactly the problem old skool thinking it’s like the old days can do that again- not happening

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Were competitive as Singland gaels- And Hegartys- Clochan pulled the plug

Pats probably have the least population to pick from but seem to be doing the best.

How many primary school children do Claughan have to pick from?

St Brigids- new houses in the blood mill may help but not for 20 year

Pat’s have the national school on the dublin road. I’d say claughan and Christian’s share a national school

Lads, it’s down to hard work, not population. Claughaun as a club took the eye off the ball hugely. Pats have turned things since early 00s and work hard and have produced some excellent players since. They’ll be OK they’re going to survive at Intermediate and have anorher few youngfellas involved with Limerick Underage teams coming through every year.

Claughaun are fucked. Truly fucked. For years to come. Their current Junior side aren’t winning any County Junior any time soon (a very competitive competition in fairness, especially the new All County format) Christians are arguably in a marginally better position.


Christians/Ballinacurra would have Our Lady NS in Rosbrien.

Roborough NS then would be a pick and mix job, there’s lads from there even going out to the Liberties, who by the way ate also on the shit slide something serious.

There’s a school off the Childers Rd then too, not sure of the name? That’d be Claughaun catchment.

Pats are the most isolated but that might not be a bad thing you know, closer knit job. They’re definitely in the best health of all of them.

Youd have bridgirs, nessans, Patrick’s, nessans andl le Cheile alright. .

Hardly makes someone from your family work harder than someone else when you think about it. Pat’s work harder than noone else. In fact less so because they have the least amount of real "City " folk

They may be, but they’ve won their opening two games of Junior championship while Christians have been heavily beaten in both of theirs and are as good as eliminated already.

Their underage teams are taking hidings but they’re fielding teams at least. Old Christians have no underage teams at all. That will only go one way. Sad to say, but Old Christians will not exist as a club within the next 10 years. Claughaun should probably have stuck with them as they’re going to be a single club sooner rather than later anyway.

They have been far more competitive in the football in recent years too.

Thats the problem right there

I would not think so Balbec as still picking up players due to football going ok -if like Christian’s was just hurling would be alot worse
Have always been a dual club

Christians traditionally was fed by Sextons street CBS. The problem is that stream is gone unless Christians turn from hurling to cricket. It could come again in years as the primary school is trying to introduce hurling back in there. It will take a generation with no guarantees.