Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

Typcial Doon. They were four ahead of us in a group game last year in injury time and we levelled it with points. That keeps the Well out of our side of the draw :slight_smile:

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That last 5 encapsulates Doon

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You can’t beat tradition.

Twas ráiméis when you said it last week as well. Two goals in club matches doesn’t put him up with Reid and Canning no matter regardless of how well he took them

He’s too one sided. Got badly exposed v kk in 2019. They were happy to let him shoot off his weak side that day.

Gillane now garnering praise from the Dow for shooting low and away from the keeper

Well it’s only taken him missing ten sitters from trying to blast it into the top corner but at least he’s learning.

Only a handful of players can consistently score goals of that calibre as in fetching the ball and dispatching it clinically, he always had the ball winning ability and now the finishing is finally coming with it. The elite forwards in the game can produce that at any moment be it for club or county.

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He’s a long way to go imo but he has the raw materials. A lot of it is between the ears.

Two goals vs club backs, get a bit of perspective

Ya because he never gives inter-county backs any trouble :rollseyes:

Different conversation. That’s obvious to anyone outside of a giddy schoolchild

He was playing in more of less a 1 man FF line and was double marked . The limerick sideline had a bad day at the office

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Gillane is a filthy fucker. He chopped down on Donovan a few times and is always fouling. Stupid fouls and a back going nowhere

Time will tell and I wont be long reminding you either!

I’d be happy if I was doon. Handy quarter final and kilmalock a lot easier game than na pairsaigh in semi.

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If and when he does, and he might, so be it

Correct but that still doesn’t change the fact kk we’re happy to let him shoot off his weak side as they knew he’d miss. If you claim he’s a marquee forward you have to hold him to an extremely high standard. Imo he has the raw materials to be one but I’d be worried about a few things. He repeatedly made the same mistakes and that usually isn’t a great sign.

Except they will shit themselves