Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

Players can train Away. Forking out maybe 100 quid or even more a night for training for games behind closed doors WitH almost no chance of fundraisers being run this year is a joke.

It’s an absolute kick in the stomach to local communities who fundraise for their clubs.

The gaa should have stood firm and put pressure on the government.


I’d imagine if the gaa came out and said no organised games until there’s a reasonable crowd allowed in we’d be back already.

Instead the gaa abandoned their grass roots supporters as per usual.

I don’t know what Tommy is talking about, I’ve been at a pile of games anyway :man_shrugging:


how are clubs under savage financial pressure?

You’d imagine that would you? Do you have anything at all to back this up?

They did nothing of the sort. The games were coming back with the intention of most of the games having a limit of 500 people. Instead this was changed to 200 a few days beforehand and there’s nothing they could do about it

Because a lot of their sponsors have been hit by lock down restrictions.

It’s very unfair to turn around and ask a business to donate to a club while still closed or maybe operating at a limited capacity.

Running off ridiculous behind closed doors at a huge cost isn’t right.

The gaa should have stood firm.

Of course they could have done something about it. They could have took a stance and said we aren’t going back so. It isn’t worth it.

It’s a community based game without the community.

You don’t need to know anything about it to foresee the potential issues. Goagain.

A much bigger issue for thousands of young lads up and down the country not being able to train and play in the height of the summer. They don’t all spend each evening watching RomComs on Netflix like you.

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It is absolutely worth it. What about the tens of thousands of young people playing in these games?

Once the pitches were open people were free to train and exercise. Completely different to running off competitions behind closed doors at a huge cost to clubs.

Hopefully it’s called a halt very soon.

There’s restaurants open with more people on the premise than allowed in an open field.

The gaa have sold out yet again.

Bord na og should be catered for first alright with parents of players allowed attend but its much easier organise games for them amongst themselves and what not at very little cost too.

Getting prissy now because you’re making a show of yourself.

I’m all for everyone and everything being opened by the way… I’m merely pointing out the reality of shriek-ville with Nuala and Breda in full flow. Controlling thousands upon thousands of club players is near impossible.


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When I say young people I mean anyone from 6-40 that is still playing the game. Have you heard of clubs going under or something? The cost isn’t much of an issue

They sold out. They’re making milluns out of this.


Nope I don’t know any club sponsor around the country that’s been effected by pandemic at all. Have you?

The gaa should not have not allowed a single game be played until a minimum of 500 people could attend. 200 tickets for each club at a tenner a pop would ensure 2k for a club to covers its cost and pay its bills. The other 1k could sort the ref etc and other such costs that arise from playing a game.

A rule should be in place so that all tickets sold go back to the clubs involved.

The Gaa had a huge opportunity but instead they folded.

Doesn’t the county board take the gates for championship games?

Yep I think so but in these extraordinary circumstances surely something could have been put in place. Clubs fork out big money for insurance and to enter competitions. Many of which have been shortened so they could run them off quickly so they’ve already lost out in a way.