Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

They’re coming alright in fairness to them. Have 2 or 3 in nearly every Limerick Underage Academy Hurling team at this stage. Youngfellas out there more interested in Hurling than Football now.

Biggest problem they have had down through the years is how easy it is to win Premier Championships in underage football. Winning soft in the football is easier than working hard at the hurling.

Looks like government set to allow 500 go to club games . Just as all local club championships are nearly over .:weary:

Laois just approaching quarter and semi final stages at best

Winning :pint:

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I’m very worried about Na Piarsaigh if i’m honest…

Will it be allowed from this weekend? I wouldn’t need the ladder for NCW if so

Hopefully. They announcing tomorrow evening.

Bring it for your sidekick



The gaa sold their souls to run off pointless club championships at a huge cost. A complete disgrace.

[quote=“Heyyoubehindthebushes, post:9029, topic:28831, full:true”]
Barry o connell was immense.

I’m delighted for him. He has shown great loyalty towards the club.

It will be tasty affair against Adare next season :pint:

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What year did Muffins transfer?

2010 id say.

You are looking for a rise and ill bite. I think id have cracked up only for the matches over the last 8 weeks. Been some cracking entertainment. I couldnt take any more of those matches from the 80s and 90s.

Bizarre that a stadium like the Gaelic Grounds wouldn’t be allowed to have a small crowd attend games . It could have been done . No problem.
So disappointing not to be able see club games & only the well connected will see inter county matches. Even if they eventually allow 5k in .

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Arguably, this year’s Club Championships have been the most enjoyable, best organised and most competitive in recent memory.

@Aristotle was the winning feeling spoiled in any way because Aunty Mary or Uncle Martin couldn’t be present for it?

It’s an absolute disgrace. Plenty of pubs and restaurants have more people on their premises than at matches.

Would have been very unfair on teams pushing hard to win a championship/go up senior/Intermediate etc. if they didn’t have a championship. 100% agree with you, certainly not pointless!

You are absolutely correct. More in pubs watching the local games on TV than at the stadium. Reasoning is all wrong on this . Hoping anyway 500 or more get in to see remaining matches .

To be honest, it’s an unbelievable feeling. We really have put in a serious effort over the past few years and yesterday felt like just reward for a lot of that. I’m proper buzzing over it. I was in a bad, bad way after last year’s county final; as low as I’ve ever felt after a sporting defeat so I guess it’s only natural to feel the opposing high after the win.

Delighted for so many people; a lot of people did their bit to put us in a position to do that- coaches, officials, management, players, etc. Barry was fucking immense; unbelievably happy for him, Kevin O’Connell was unreal; but all over the pitch, people delivered. 100+ tackles, that doesn’t happen without everybody putting a shift in.

I wouldn’t say my joy was lessened by other supporters not being there; but I, personally, would have hated to miss it. You’d still be happy to win obviously but being there was a privilege. So yeah, I do feel sorry for people who weren’t there- particularly the extended panel. But as I said, a lot of people did a lot of work to get us there, and a lot of those people couldn’t watch it live. Which wasn’t ideal. But at the end of the day, the win was most important, we gt that and we were able to celebrate. And we’ll continue to do so before we have a crack at the senior.


“I put in a big per-sonal effort myself, this yeeaaar” :joy:
