Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

They’ll lose their club altogether if they don’t cop on.

They’re not living in the modern world at all.

Lose their identity… :laughing:

Did they not like the jersey or wha?

They still think it’s the 1980s in there. A crazy decision from them. I can see the other 3 South side clubs being delighted that Claughaun are staying out of it and it’ll work away fine. Pats especially will grow strong out of it. Young lads from Ballinacurra /Prospect area that do play will end up driving past Claughaun on the Childers Rd to go into Rhebogue to hurl adult with the Pats

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Not looking good for them with a potential superclub completely surrounding them in 10 years

I wouldn’t go as far as a superclub now. That 3 club amalgamation is, in reality, St. Pats with a few kids from Christians thrown in. Ballinacurra Gaels have close to zero numbers, they barely field any teams at all. Christians aren’t great with numbers either.

In reality what Claughaun have done is hand Pats the rest of the South Side. If Pats can keep the numbers ticking, backbone those sides at underage, they’ll end up picking off the best of them when the inevitable does actually happen (Christians/Ballinacurra folding for good)

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The last line is a good omen

The new club colours and jersey are to be agreed in the coming months.

Skulls have been open in the past on such matters.

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Theres only capacity for one gaa club on the south if the city in all reality and Pat’s have sealed it there

The trick to making a good club amalgamation jersey is to use none of the colours of the precious jerseys

Something like this bad boy

You’re nearly there. A black jersey with a colour from each club in the 3 stripes as per O’Neills and the job is fucking oxo.


Would have the old eire og club that won a good few county championships in early 20th century being that side of town? Perhaps a revival of those colours as a compromise

No, Young Ireland’s were based Northside and were consumed into nap along with treaty.


Mungret not having a great year in finals

Was just gonna ask…

They gave it plenty for 45 mins but Ballybrown finished strongly. Sounded like a massive crowd in the stream?). Was it 200 plus players?

Who won the minor hurling county final?
Nothing on Limerick GAA website.
