Limerick GAA - knocked down, but will get up again

And as a nice little fuck you to @corkgaa, the substantially redeveloped grounds which will be opened up to the community, including a new plaza-type area and new stadium facilities, will have no state funding element, it will solely be drawn from commercial activities.

LITwill provide a financial contribution of €30,000 per annum to Limerick GAA.

Yeah the members group had this scoop last week… A great day for all of the GAA.

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30K a year, shur they could blow that on hats really.

Is this really about bringing Davy and JP together?

Its about the IT’s rising up and preparing to take over. UL’s days are numbered the Munster rugby loving cunts.

Those kids will learn so much from Spike. I envy them.

Everybody’s about to get LIT up. Woooo

Isn’t the underage hurling academy base and office out in UL?

And obviously the seniors, u20/21’s and minors train in UL a fair bit too. Could be some interesting politics at play further down the line.

Davy must be sick that Limerick are going to be using LIT a bit now, despite what he will say publically.

I’ll be interested to see how this goes

The underage hurling academy as far as I know have little to do with the county board. That’s a Jp gig.

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More accurately, its a Gerry McManus gig with a watchful eye kept by JP (via McKenna). County Board have little or nothing to do with the running of the Academy. They’ve their HQ in UL North Campus and most Academy teams are based there. Football all out in LIT and Mick Neville Rathkeale

I doubt it. Why would he be?

Oh he’s seething, no doubt it’s only dawned on him with this news that LIT is in Limerick.


I’m led to believe there is a lot of politics involved with this new deal in lit. county board are trying to wrestle back control of the hurling underage academy. This is seen as a major step to that.

County Board have been trying to do that since 2013 but have failed. They got their shot at it last year when Games and Coaching were handed the running of the U14s for the Academy and made a complete bollox of it altogether, picking mixed ability teams instead of an A squad and a B squad. It was a complete shambles. They duly lost control of it again this year.

The County Board can want the control over the Academy all they want but they’ll be told to go and fuck. G McM calls the shots there and that’s that. Spike can plot and plan all he wants but it’s a battle he’ll never win.

Limerick is Ireland’s sporting capital.

Was the minor hurling panel ever announced? I remember they named Keane captain and O’Neill vice-captain?

It’s not been announced but they have 36 or 37 or something and doubt anyone will be cut at this stage

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Minor footballers first Championship match against Clare in NCW has just thrown in.

Thumped 3-15 to 0-10.