Limerick GAA - knocked down, but will get up again


You guys

Idle hands are the devils work. This is the danger of the dreaded munster champions layoff

Are the rumours of limerick playing the semi on the Saturday true.??

50/50 chance they are


Good boy Reale

Don’t know mate

Hi Damien!

Great morning to be a Limerick supporter here in the city. God bless our precious hurlers.

50/50 chance is a good answer. One match on Saturday and one on Sunday.
You’d imagine they might put the All Ireland champions on the Sunday. But you’d never know.
We’ll have to wait for Cody to decide.

Limerick are playing on the Saturday. 6pm. Confirmed

Defending All Ireland champions played on the Saturday last year

Will this signal the start of the Saturday alternating between the Munster and Leinster champions or is it just a lad in Croke Park kinda just deciding how he feels about it on the day?

I’d imagine they’d have to consult with the Gardaí, wouldn’t they? Anyone know?

What was it? Dodgy sandwiches?


Would that be Deel water? :face_vomiting:

From the showers or were they drinking it?

they were drinking it in the shower

We were playing there Tuesday night, they had the water turned off because of it. A lucky escape, if it hadn’t been them at the weekend it would have been us.

Heard some people got seriously ill off it

It was a private well apparently. God only knows what was inside in it :nauseated_face: