Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

It has fuck all to do with a Limerick way, so what his club doesn’t give a fuck about hurling he will be training with a county team for 9/10ths of the year anyway.
What you are suggesting there simply undermines the whole idea of clubs.


There is a problem with hurlers who play underage intercounty who come from junior clubs(the fourth grade of hurling). Once they leave minor they are out of the academy system and are left to their own devices. I don’t know what clubs you are familiar with but junior clubs that I am familiar with do very little training and are lucky to get numbers in double figures to attend. How is a guy supposed to develop.

Pricks the lot of ye- There are a lot of good hurling people in St Pats , Lot of snobbery on here , Let Hammy loose on ye all…


They had the right idea with the divisional teams. Of course there was one bad experience so they packed the whole thing in. They should have let all 4 divisional teams in as well. But that would upset a lot of clubs. That’s why we can never have nice things.

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Senior football in Limerick is of a similar level to junior a hurling in Limerick.

Harder to win a junior hurling title than a senior football one, dont need ant skill for the football as has been proved by Pats with all their soccer and rugby players

True. We win county minor footballs for the craic sometimes. We pick up a few lads at the cross and away we go.

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Yeah but ye have been picking guys up at every cross in South Limerick for years.

BTW how much will ye beat the Well by at the weekend?



We should shade it eventually. Should be a good game, they are the up and coming team. Then they will beat Na Piarsaigh in the County Semi final :slight_smile: . Match on very early, 1pm Sunday.

They beat us already there a while back.

What you’re suggesting re Hegarty is against the rules of the GAA. You can’t play hurling and football with different clubs if you’re from a club that plays both codes

He wants him to be able to senior and junior hurling along with senior football.

Would be able to wash the jerseys as well?

He’s a special kind of idiot, that’s for sure.

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Harry is there any divisional sides in tipp or amalgamations.

They need more senior teams alright

As @TreatyStones says you need some teams not to be senior to have divisional sides


I’d prefer he washed the jerseys than play football.

Have you ever heard about how Aidan Walsh almost crashed a car once thinking about driving to a match? Is that what you want? Is it?

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I wouldn’t like anything bad to happen to Aidan Walsh .

Just to note this is Gearoid Hegarty’s last year at this level. He didn’t make the team last year.
He is playing with a club that plays Senior Football and Junior Hurling (This is the 4th Grade in Limerick)
There are passionate hurling people in St Pats – Just not enough interest. They hardly train for hurling.
Hegarty is in UL and played football with them but wasn’t on the Fitzgibbon cup team (I don’t know if he tried out for them but its nearly a disadvantage to be from Limerick with that shower)

If he is to progress as a hurler he will probably come to making a decision of one over the other. I would love if he sided with hurling BUT if he doesn’t make the senior panel where does he go to improve/train. With the 7/8 guys that turn up the week of a Junior club match? This has happened to a lot of guys before. Young lads that come from Junior clubs that make the minor panels through playing with schools and once their finished there they are gone.

If we are to improve as a hurling county we have to change. The academy system is great and producing hurlers up to minor level. After that its Colleges and clubs. If your club isn’t interested then where do you go.

Between Senior (12), Prem intermediate (8) and Intermediate(12) clubs there is enough scope to allow one designated player to join them from a Junior club. FFS Hegarty would have played with the Claughan boys at under age - to be not allowed to play with that team is a joke.

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