Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

Ye beat them in the county league didn’t ye?

Referring to city champ, they beat our second string. Dunno what kind of team they had out.

Will ye use the second string again this week?

Ahane v South Libs - by 3
Killmallock v P’well - by 1
Murroe Boher v Effin - by 3
Doon v Ballybrown - by 6
Adare v Bruff - draw
Na Piarsaig v Croom - by 12

A handy site for results


Doon and ballybrown will be a cracker.

It’ll be a hell of an achievement for the Ballybrown lads to beat an intercounty team.

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You need to check your facts again. You are very wrong re UL

Fair enough. Give me a clue?
If its the point that its a disadvantage to be from Limerick, I’d just browse through their team sheets over the last few years and count the Limerick players on them.

You have not been reading their notes they have already beaten strong Mayo and Meath outfits this year. :laughing:

Eh, who went there that should have got on the team from Limerick?

You sure about that?
How about Damien Calahane?

He was a key player on their Fitzgibbon side this year

The reason why not many Limerick lads are on the ul team is not because of some ul agenda it is because the lads living in Limerick tend to train with the seniors to enhance their chances ie tom rya dan morrissey tom o brien instead of playing with the college.

FFS :rollseyes:

Fairly sure. I presume Castlehaven don’t have a hurling team. Cork have their own rules anyway. Certainly the case here in the midlands

OK. I bow to my learned colleague. I take your word on it. I didn’t see him listed on any of the team sheets on the papers or on did I notice him on TG4’s coverage of the final.

However if its the case that he Limerick lads train with the county, Is it the case that the Clare and Tipp lads don’t? Sounds Farcical.

A lot of lads are on scholarships so they are obliged. I can’t think of any Limerick hurler good enough to be on the Ul that isn’t can you?

Are any of the limerick lads not on scholarships? Any idea where a list of the scholarships are going?

In Ul not that I know of but would you give any of them money to hurl :smiley:

Dunno youd want to be asking a few prominemy South Liberties men that one😉