Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

Bigtime mate, I met the chap last year off Denmark St after the Dubs knocked us out and not an ounce of liquor had passed his lips.

Heā€™s a great ambassador for hurling not alone in Limerick but across the country but for me, his performances and confidence are dropping game by game under this regime.

Something has to be done, or else we might as well all give up, weā€™ve thrown away savage talent before and if TJ is kept the reality is weā€™ve every chance of doing it again.

I donā€™t want to blame a Garryspillane man thatā€™s in over his head and loves the game, but he needs help badly.

It was a comment in jest TMI.
I donā€™t have the body shape myself to call out anyone else on theirs, but in this day of ā€œnear professionalismā€ in intercounty GAA, the fact that management are continually selecting a full-back in the condition he is in and there doesnā€™t appear to be any viable alternativeā€¦letā€™s say it raises eyebrows. Itā€™s absolutely a management issue.

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Massively mate, but on his day Richie is the businessā€¦I donā€™t see a better alternative this year anyway.

Look he has always been that lad that you expect to get roasted, but he got a bit of luck in 13/14 along with savage performances that bought him a lot of good will amongst the Limerick public.

Last year in the Gaelic Grounds when he was found out was particularly harrowing as everyone youā€™d talk to had said he was due a roasting.

But we didnt want to believe it, looking out of shape in this day an age is inexcusable though and I would point the finger at management on that one for allowing it to happen.

Cody would bring on a St Kierans full back then an overweight fella imo, you need that ruthlessness in order to win.

We donā€™t have it currently.

Iā€™ll tune into 95fm tomorrow but Iā€™ve already written the year off really unfortunately regardless of the result.

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He had a centre back in front of him those years. Heā€™s the same now as he always was. Ask anyone involved and theyā€™ll tell you heā€™s lean enough just built like that. Heā€™ll trim up a little as the year goes on but thatā€™s just his gatch


A more pertinant point of view would be Nickyā€™s saves against Callinan against Tipp that day saved his blushes but I do agree with you he had more protection back then.

Heā€™s carrying too much timber though mate, it was the same last year, you canā€™t get away with that nowadays be honest.

Youā€™re not wrong there

Richie McCarthy was carrying a shoulder injury last year, not that he will use it as an excuse.

He is training as hard as anyone this year.

Your cheap shots are not welcome.

Typical Limerick GAA on display here. Everyone knows better. This is why Limerick GAA is a joke.

A lovely turn of phrase there, pal.

I called for Ronan Lynch to be utilised in a deep centre back position on this thread a couple of weeks ago. Call it a sweeper, if you must. But delighted that TJ Ryan has astutely made this call. Lynch is naturally inexperienced but is a wonderful reader of the game and a good distributor and stick man. Limerick will have a massive say in this yearā€™s championship now the team is being tweaked appropriately with ā€œGavinā€ dropping back to defence and the Na Piarsaigh forwards coming in. Also a good managerial decision to select and show some faith in Nash after his red card last time out - heā€™s a great prospect.


I love it when a plan comes together.

As awful as Tom morrissey was last week heā€™d better suited to a 2 man full forward line than Graeme. @Julio_Geordio is on the money Richie was never that fit and still isnā€™t but in all his best games Wayne was sitting in front of him cutting out the low ball/space with which Richie struggles with.

Whatever wanker changed the thread title would want to quickly change it back.


This is more like it, all this gloom is not the Limerick Way.


Match day brings the inevitable surge of optimism :ronnyroar: :ronnyroar:

Dublin 1-19 Limerick 0-14. :cold_sweat:

Yeā€™ve broken the thread lads.

Limerick 2-18 Dublin 1-19

After thinking about it overnight, I reckon Limerick will walk this.


No mess it should be on tv is their referred coverege

Fuck off, you fucking illiterate fool.

So Oā€™Donovan, Ryan, and Oā€™Connell are gone off the panel? FFS.

They are good lads. I thought one of them deserved to stay.