Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

[quote]Watching Anthony Daly marshall limericks underage players is the most sickening thing in hurling I have had to endure since Careyā€™s point in 1996 !
Please god someone at the county board level please bring Dalo home for next year !

Please do. Although heā€™ll probably be involved in our senior setup by then. Which is where he should have been put originally if they were going to spend big money bringing him in.

If players canā€™t comfortably strike off both sides its almost definitely their own fault, unless they had the worst coaches known to man for all of their hurling from u8 up and no parental guidance

I am presuming that they are all capable of doing it if they want to. Where the coaching aspect comes in is the decision-making of taking the shot/pass on on your weaker side when under a bit of pressure, rather than turning back onto your stronger side.

Iā€™m sure they all point off their weaker side from a decent distance under no pressure. Good coaching leads players to make better decisions in big games.

Would agree there. Iā€™ve always felt that coaches and managers in hurling donā€™t spend enough time talking to individual players and giving them advice or trying to get them to improve individually. Its done at juvenile level alright but seems to totally go out the window by u16 or so. Iā€™ve very rarely in my years of hurling been pulled aside by a coach and told that I was developing a bad habit or I was consistently making the same mistakes. Only for my aul lad giving me feedback up along Iā€™d probably still be making the same mistakes I was when I was 15 or 16


Cork are rated much better next year. We now have three month break until we have a knockout semi, which we will probably lose. Great system.

Ya Iā€™m not sure how much effect coaches can have on players have striking off both sides at minor level. Up to the players mainly.

John Reddington with a hard hitting article in todays Leader. Hard to argue with any of it.

Who is he aiming at?

County board, management, clubs and indirectly the players

Fuck 'em. Tis only football

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As he said of treacherous cunts like you ā€œYou have clubs in Limerick who would rather see their players play soccer if it meant they were kept away from footballā€

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He did not leave anyone out?

Not really, but Iā€™d say as one of the hardy few souls who has been going to games this year to read it and see if you disagree with any of it.

Can you throw it up? Is it online?

Not online, I can throw it up later

Never played soccer in my life and I have no time for it.
Iā€™m actually involved in underage football in my club and Iā€™m happy to train kids in it. I played it myself (not very well) and enjoyed it.
Without reading John Reddingtonā€™s article I would point to one area that whoever wants football to succeed should target. A secondary school playing in the Corn Ui Mhuiri. Get that going and you have some hope.

Most cunts on here spouting about football in Limerick are probably the same cunts that play junior soccer in the Desmond League.

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They had a west Limerick schools amalgamation in it a few years ago but the rules were changed to exclude amalgamations the following year.

Your last line is missing the point of what he was saying. He wasnā€™t saying there was any issue with fellas playing soccer.

He isnā€™t. I didnā€™t read the article yet. I am saying it.

Heard he is from somewhere like Dromcolliher in West Limeick. The family moved to Newport recently, but he just wanted to keep playing for Limerick. Fair play!

Check back with your source :rollseyes: