Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

We will give them a game pal, but they are ahead of us. There is fuck all between the sides in general apart from a game plan. They will play from deep and since the dublin game, so will we. we need to move it fast from the backs to carch them (wack it)and get goals. Who ever scores the most goals winsā€¦

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Shocking to see Dowling not startā€¦delighted for Hegarty though at the same timeā€¦

Hope he destroys these Waterford cuntsā€¦heā€™s a far better hurler then heā€™s given credit for.

Very interesting. Iā€™m guessing, could be totally wrong, that you are looking at this:

SOBrien RMcCarthy REnglish
POBrien DByrnes RLynch GOMahony
PBrowne JRyan
CLynch GHegarty TMorrissey
BNash KDownes

A few points:

  • I made a reference to a Rolls-Royce half-back line a week or so back, weā€™ve actually gone for the super-Deluxe edition here and included Paudie Oā€™Brien which means you probably have about 4 players around the half-back area who are well capable of pinging points from way out. It looks very much like we are setting up for distance. My only concern is that none of those players strikes me as an out-and-out defender. A bit of balance by including Condon here would have been ideal (also well capable of taking a score), but heā€™s out injured.

  • Dowlingā€™s form isnā€™t good enough at the moment to warrant inclusion imo, Iā€™m not so much surprised that he has been omitted, rather that management have had the balls not to choose him.

  • Who the hell is going to take the close-in frees? I assume Lynch or Byrnes are not going to wander up the park for every single free. I would have included forum favourite John Fitzgibbon instead of Morrissey, and not just for this reason.

  • Itā€™ll be interesting to see if Downes and Hegarty do switch at any stageā€¦


Paudie to 5, byrnes at 6 and lynch behind them i reackon,pal

That is a weird limerick Team to be named :joy:

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Waterford will be playing with 5 forwards. Limerick wonā€™t have two sweepers theyā€™ll have one with Cian Lynch heading out to midfield as a third midfielder. Ronan Lynch will be deployed further up the field and will take the frees. Gearoid will be at 14 and Iā€™d imagine heā€™d be targeted with a lot of high ball alongside Downes.

S.O.B, Richie, Richie
P.O Brien, D. Brynes, Gavin
Jim Bob, Paul Browne, C Lynch
B. Nash, R. Lynch, T. Morrissey
Downes, G Hegarty.

Spot on, except that Paudie will be at 6 and Byrnes will be on the wing.

Fuck off, you fucking fool.

Waterford by 15.

Great engine and his work rate is good


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Decent article there from Breheny.


S.O.B, Richie, Richie
R. Lynch
Brynes, P.O Brien, Gavin
Jim Bob, Paul Browne,
Hegarty, T. Morrissey, C Lynch
Downes, Nash

Awful article.


E.Cregan: "youā€™re going to play your forwards 40 or 50 yards from goal, theyā€™re never going to score. You donā€™t see Kilkenny doing it.ā€
Thatā€™s not true. KK rarey have more than 3-4 players inside the oppisition 65. then when in possession they drive forward in numbers.

Meltdown in Limerick camp

Will your lot beat Kilkenny tomorrow?

I expect you will.

Youā€™ve never played or been involved with a hurling team in your life you bollix

Go into town and pull a fucking bird like everyone else does and stop ateing those fucking mini rolls.


We are going to win today :+1: