Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

Kilkenny hommored clare in 1995 and we all know how that turned out.

Has the bastard resigned yet?

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Just home drunk and dejected, never saw it coming at half time it was all rosy in the Limerick garden then 40 minutes later aaaggghhh fuck it! Heard so much talk throughout the day of how players described the training at utter shit and id believe it aswell, again the fitness levels were just terrible Waterford ran through us so easy the last 20 minutes. TJ was quick to throw the rattle doing commentary during the Justin Mccarthy debacle and it seems he is as big a hypocrite as he is a joke of a manager.The players are not happy, the fans are like cunts (even when the team returned to the pitch for second half their was no cheer or buzz compared to Waterford) The basic skills have gone so backward so fast it’s scary, something needs to happen now but it will take another battering off Tipp or Cork for that to happen so lets wait to get hit by the truck rather than step out of the way, the Limerick way.


Cian lynch is astoundingly talented but at this stage of his career is no more than a work shy show pony.


Well look at the team he is on

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I’m trying to start an argument again but can anybody name one lad that has come out of ard scoil ris and hurled consistently for 70 mins a couple of games in a row? They do more blowing, tapping and fucking around.

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I can

Fuck that was depressing. Tipping along ok at half time, but the game had lacked any intensity. Waterford upped it in the second half and blew us away. We were a shambles all over the field.

Quaid, a couple of smart saves, puckouts were generally decent but Waterford allowed us huge space to execute them, in the first half in particular. A couple of poor ones cost us scores. 7/10
O’Brien. did a few silly things with the ball but I actually thought he was playing well. Harsh enough to take him off IMO. He was bursting his gut anyway which is more than can be said for some of them. Teege obviously doesn’t like him for whatever reason. 6/10
Richie. Teams are really targeting him now, and getting results. Headless coming out with the ball as well. That said in a team with 2 sweepers for most of the game we left him completely isolated an awful lot in the second half. Won a few balls in fairness to him, but a fullback has to win more than that. 3/10
English; A tough game for a corner back in that he was way out the field at times. Never really involved though. Surely would have been worth a stab at full back given the roasting we were getting there. Has a bright future, but was a poor day. 4/10
Paudie O’Brien; Given the lads on the panel who’ve gotten no chance, I’ve no idea why he’s still getting a go. He’s not an intercounty hurler, he never has been and he never will be. Too slow altogether. Has been shit every time I’ve seen him play. 3/10
Byrnes; Few lads had great praise for Byrnes after the match but I thought he was subdued enough. One great score showed his potential and far from the worst. Think he is better suited to half back at this stage in his career though I’ve no doubt he’ll be a fine centre back at some point. 6/10
R Lynch; Frees were decent, very ordinary otherwise though. Got on a lot of ball as you’d expect from a sweeper, but left our fullback line very exposed in the second half, was slow striking and distribution was poor. Caused at least two scores by lazily going into the ball as well. Looked like a lad playing a lower standard all year, which of course he has been. 5/10
Gav; Never really played midfield got on a few balls but struggled by and large. Need our elder statesmen like him to dominate. 5/10
Browne; A poor day in the office for Browne but he’s allowed that given he has been our best performer by a significant margin all year. Operating in a very crowded midfield he never got into his flow. 4/10
Hegarty; Looked like a lad completely uncomfortable in the forwards, which is hardly surprising. After looking like a fish out of water in the half forward line, they fucked him in full forward :expressionless: Supposedly flying in training so why not play him in the backs where he belongs? Not like our backs are flying this year. Hope it doesn’t knock the lads confidence, we could do with a ball winner like him. 3/10
Jim Bob; Played midfield, one of our better performers on the day. Striking still poor but worked like a horse as always. He always gives everything. 7/10
Cian Lynch: Badly needs a bit of coaching, fucking blind hand passes over the shoulder are grand when they work but how many has he just passed to no one this year. Was well marshalled yesterday, by two lads a lot of the time, but never got into it. We need to figure out how to get him into games. 3/10
Nash; The only forward we have capable of winning bad ball (which is all they were getting yesterday) hooked, blocked, pushed Waterford defenders and turned over a bit of ball. A real find this year, if we could send any ball even remotely near him he could do damage. 7/10
Downes; To start you’d have to say he was double marked, and the ball in was absolutely horrendous. That said he wasn’t involved at all at full. Much better at half forward afterwards and probably should be out there all the time, was getting into it when taken off. Not really fulfilling his potential but not being used right at all either. 5/10
Morrissey; Did well when he got the ball in hand and hit a few nice scores, but he didn’t win any ball himself and faded like the rest in the second half. 7/10

Condon; In fairness to Condon he did what the forwards who started should have been doing, burst onto the breaking balls in the centre and drove forward. I’d say he had more possessions than Cian & Downes combined in his twenty mins. Now what happened at the end of his runs wasn’t the best :grinning: but fuck it at least he was trying. Definitely has something to offer, but I’m not comfortable with him in the corner at all. 6/10
Fitzgibbon. Again got on a lot more ball in the few minutes he was playing than a lot of others, but his distribution was woeful. 5/10
Dowling. Looked a lot more dangerous than what was before him. Finished his 21 well. Always capable of something to unlock a defence, I find it bizarre that you wouldn’t start him though I know others don’t rate him as highly. 7/10
Others not on long enough to rate/made no impact.

Teege. Hasn’t a fucking clue. We are playing a sweeper for the sake of it. I thought the idea was to protect the full back line but Richie was completely isolated in the second half, so what’s the fucking point then? We are only making it harder for our, already poor ball winning forwards to get on the ball. Waterford played a sweeper in the full back line all day and stopped our lads getting a sniff of goal. We are either doing that or we shouldn’t bother.
We are playing a short passing game, again for the sake of it. Short passing around the back getting ourselves into trouble and then launching shit ball into the forwards because we are under pressure. Contrast with Clare yesterday who short passed themselves into better positions only.
We are playing a bastardised version of the Clare game badly. A game which doesn’t suit us anyway as we have nothing like the strong ball winners and carriers Clare have.
Some of the selections are bizarre as well Paudie O’Brien has only showed one thing time and again and that is he isn’t intercounty standard.
Another year pissed away, and we aren’t even building anything. Whoever comes in next year will have to start from scratch and another year will be gone.

All Teege criticism aside a few of the Limerick lads would want to take a look at themselves, Joe O’Connor was able to get the Clare team super fit, but he can’t get these lads going at all. Now he obviously isn’t targeting the league semi final for their peak but they looked so one paced yesterday it was laughable. At this level a lot of it has to come from the players themselves and you don’t get the impression it is. Now Teege is obviously a clown, and I’m sure the players know that only too well, so I’m sure it’s hard to motivate yourself, but it can’t always be the manager.

Our inability to win 50/50 ball in the forwards is something that seems to be an underlying problem in Limerick hurling and pre-dates Teege by a long way. It is the main attribute Cody looks for in a forward and none of our lads bar Nash & Dowling have it. We never catch a ball in the half forward line, ever. The ball into the forwards is another problem, but KK play the same shit ball into their forwards a lot of the time and they just win it. A good forward makes bad balls look good.

Fucking disheartening stuff. I’ll be there for the Munster semi final, travelling not in expectation or hope but out of obligation.


Have ye the playets

No. Did you bring the gear?


i said it before and was scoffed at but this Joe O’Connor is a pure monkey. supposedly the best s&c or fitness man whatever in the country but limerick hurlers are presently either overweight one paced or sluggish, some players are all three.
a pure monkey.

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Limerick must go their own way

Twice Limerick have faced tactically astute teams in Clare and Waterford in recent weeks and twice they have been found to be the inferior side. After yesterday’s game, the question being asked was how bad must Dublin have been to lose to them in Parnell Park last Saturday week. Against Clare, they attempted to replicate their set-up but were perplexed by how the Banner forwards changed positions. They attempted to do some of that themselves yesterday and it worked for a while but again the extent of their tactics appeared to be imitating what was in front of them.

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I had to make do with watching on tv but am I really the only one that thought yesterday wasn’t that bad? At least compared to what I was expecting. This year is a write off and the worst thing that could happen now is we lose Teege early meaning we’d have to get a caretaker in which would complicate things for Kiely taking over next year. Let Teege see out the year as best as possible now and we start with a proper system next year.

Kk were given a worse beating lads. Kilkenny. And we started with POB at centre back, and 4 of last year’s u21s in our 5 forwards, one not a noted scorer and one not even a forward. Were ye expecting to out score Waterford?

There was actually some very encouraging stuff in the performances of Nash and Morrissey. I thought one of them would start this year but looks like both will force their way in. That’s good. Nicky was excellent, sharpest performance I’ve seen from him I think.

My views watching from tv varied from lads at the game on a few players. I thought seanie was very poor, James Ryan was poor and that Gavin was ok for example. I also thought Richie did well enough and he improves for summer so was encouraged by that. In Byrnes we have a dominant wing back for the first time in years.

We have Hickey, Hannon, and Dowling to come into the team and probably a few more. Still need a midfield partner for Browne IMO but we have Dempsey and O’Donovan if they’re given a chance.

We are also better off not playing a sweeper as the management are not good enough to coach the team to play it well. A deep sitting centre back with the midfield providing some cover and Cian Lynch as a third midfielder is the set up that will suit us best IMO.

Also, they’ll be fit enough for summer, now isn’t the time for them to be at peak fitness.





Right getting back to our groundless optimism.

KK were hammered by a Clare team that only beat us by 4. So we are better than KK.

Current rankings.



Now you’re talking.

Really though, did anyone think we’d beat Waterford or even be close? Really?

I wasn’t worried about the result, I was worried about the performance and that was atrocious.

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Tbf you wanted hickey in forwards ahead of hannnon late last year.

Agreed. When Waterford upped the gears Tom m wasn’t seen.