Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

A toxic mix back there in the day. A lot worse than Limerick city of a Saturday night.

You’d the tinkers, you’d all the beefed up Eastern Europeans, you’d the pissed up night club goers and then you’d the dog rough settled locals on top of it.

Superbites was where the idea of UFC originated from. :smile:


Can you read you cunt? ‘and porter’ was the next two words. Only thing worse than a roaster is a hipster in a roasters body. “I only drink Guinness” FFS :rollseyes:

Maybe he only drinks guineass because it’s the only drink he likes.

It was fairly nuts alright. I can’t warm to it all.

‘Fireworks’ ffs mate :rollseyes: You didnt even venture into the town if the only places you saw were The Bridge and Fireworks!

Thats called a “fanny” mate…the only drink he likes…Jesus Christ above…:joy:

Limerick City was never rough to go drinking on a Saturday night…unless you’re really looking for a row. NCW would be typical of large towns all over the country…when everyone knows each to see or whatever and there isn’t many cops around you’ll always get trouble with drink taken.

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Club mission was the other one.

If you went to places like Fireworks or Coolios yeah youd see trouble…or any chipper in the country, you are going to see rows.

Stick to the proper drinking pubs in the town and theres never any trouble. Going into Superbites is asking for trouble ffs, same as any other town.


Back over ten years ago when I was in college one of the house mates was from Killmallock. I went out there drinking one Saturday night with him. Jesus, but it was the roughest spot I ever drank a pint in. We then went out to this Bulgadin (sic) castle place which was proper fucking wild. He pointed out a bouncer there from eastern Europe that you could fight after the niteclub finished, only after signing a waiver.

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Agreed mate…I’ve very fond of NCW…it can be rough like anywhere…I haven’t been out there in 8/9 years tbh other then during the day for a few passing through at a wedding or a funeral.

It has it’s rough element though when the area is smaller it can be more apparent if a row does happen you know.

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Cappamore 13/8 and monaleen 11/10.

Oh trust me I have no love for the townie bastards but I find it a nice spot to ‘gatt’ in, as the local boys would say…

Fuck off with your drinking in mud huts shite…


You are some ape. I mean christ above. I’ve never seen a lad on an anonymous forum being so far up his own arse.

Best town in Ireland mate.


I never said “only Guinness” you clown. I drink Guinness or if I’m in a sophisticated location I’ll drink a wheat beer

Bulgadin :joy:…the wild west… Ever make it to the Tatch? Bulgadin is 5 star in comparison.

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Yeah its me thats the ape alright…

How very bland of you