Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

The centre-back playing deep though allows a centre-forward to pick off points if he gets the ball in space- someone like Bubbles is excellent at that. Would take huge work rate from our midfield to shut that down every time.

And although giving the ball to Maher time after time would be suicide, so would leaving our full-back line unprotected against the likes of John McGrath and Callanan.

And if you were to play a sweeper, good teams don’t rain ball down on the opposition free man. They run the ball from deep and pick out the men in space and play diagonal balls in the corner.

Of course we won’t do any of this. Even if we line out 15 on 15, I imagine we’ll rain ball down on top of the Mahers, won’t play any good ball to our corners. Fast, quick ball into space and battling all over the pitch is how to beat Tipp but I just don’t see it.


With the deep centre back you need your centre forward to come back to midfield(Jim Bob) and two wing forwards who are comfortable running at the opposition defence.

I know.

Can we not just whack it no?

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3 donkey’s. :grin:

Too much tactics lads. We’ve spent the last two years trying to implement a gameplan and have steadily gone backwards. Lads going round in circles trying to invent or close off space. We’re not cut out for that craic at all at all.

Play a full-back who does not need require a complex restructuring of the entire team to baby-sit him so he never has to deal with being in a bit of space.
Play a centre-back who has the fundamental centre-back instinct to hold the position.
Play half forwards who will contest, disrupt and run at the opposing half back line. We’re nowhere near as limited as we think we are in this regard, but have faffed around with players trying to be Tipp 2010.
Play at least one free-taker in the forwards.
Fire & brimstone.

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If we play a sweeper against Tipp they will kill us stone dead with diagonal balls.


Rugby balls?

Tipp will kill us stone dead regardless…but you’re right, best to go down like men.


I’ve no problem giving Tipp an extra man provided it is a result of us cleaving one of them.







INTERNET. :wave::wave:


Wait till we walk ye cunts into the ground in Thurles. Then you’ll see INTERNETING

We’ll walk them into the ground on the Internet. They’ll hurl us into the ground in Thurles.


Very well said our kid.

And other treaty exiles.

Lough Gur this evening, county limerick looked wonderful. The blood is rising for championship and will beat these clare and Tipp yokels home.


Nicest place in Limerick. Great countryside and great people.


Saw one of the Limerick players today. He was bouncing. Unreal it was. There was such a pep in his step, a confidence in how he strode. When he walked into the shop the whole place stopped and took note. It was remarkable. His presence was phenomenal. He completely ignored the queue and took the bull by the horns so to speak and paid for his water, piece of fruit and protein rich healthy salad there and then, no messing. No chit chat, clearly didnt have time for it so people knew not to attempt it. Had the exact amount of money ready and all, €8.19, no waiting around for change or any such time wasting rubbish. He strode out of the shop and into his car in a very impressive fashion. The look of sharpness in his eye was what really did it for me though.

Read into that what you will…

Magnificient spot totally underrated and a bit of a hidden gem really.


Nice picture here from GAA nostalgia, look at the feet. decent resemblance to his young fella

How many years have we had a Quaid in goals overall does anyone know?