Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

No I want David Breen back



Not half as much as Glas does though.


Claughann beat Newcastle west last night in the intermediate. The county board will surely be looking at betting patterns for the last round.

Surprised by that.

Who offered odds on the game? There have been no odds for intermediate games online with Powers & Boyles

You can get them in the shops in town.

I heard two weeks that cluaghann had only 15 at their first two games and a 45 year old was playing. They always tend to pull players for relegation games but that is a surprise.

The efforts NCW make and level at which they operate for hurling - for a town of its size - is absolutely shameful and embarrassing. Especially relative to neighbouring clubs with a far smaller pick.

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Glenroe and pallasgreen topping groups heading into the break. NCW beat was a shock but heard Claughaun got few good hurlers back

Fu*k it we should play a fly keeper like Armagh did - let nicky solo up to the opposite 40. He has the legs and the fitness hopefully…

Coates and Howard are two fine hurlers and were wrongly overlooked for the county squads last year because they aren’t a part of the nap, ard scoil gravey express.

Well said dodgey. In large parts of the county the game is dying out.

Big problem is that football is just an easier game to play. Children find it harder to master hurling and without good, commited, coaching they just end up preferring football or soccer. In the past lads might have stuck at it due to lack of anything else to do and clubs never had to put a major effort into retaining these “average” young players. Now, in the age of instant gratification, average young lads are just not seeing it as being worth the effort to try and improve when they see how easy it is to play well at another sport. The level of encouragement probably isn’t there from parents either.


I agree with that. I don’t want to move too much off topic but for me that is exactly where someone like Jps money should come in. Getting full time coaches at 6s, 8s and 10s all around the county. Cut the funding to the adult teams and let them do their own fundraising.


Has Richie McCarthy left the panel?

Oh no you didnt…:

What? Saw it said somewhere else.

Where did you see it??

I’ve been contacted by one of the elders on the subject and i’ve been advised to say…

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