Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

A non-GGA sports forum posted a few hours ago, but nothing else

Bullshit soā€¦

Link or pm I didnā€™t no there was other forums.

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Richie will start full back ladsā€¦that is a fact.

How he copes, and more importantly is protected by the half back line is another matter.

He was roasted last year, but he was hung out to dry by the half back line on the day.

My main optimism is our hatred of Tipp and the factā€¦there isnā€™t a peep out of the camp for a few weeks now. We never feared Tippā€¦big difference if we were playing Cork in their prime imo.

He wonā€™t weā€™ll have a new fullback.

Heā€™ll surely startā€¦whoā€™s a better option pal?

ye have to take that space in front of callanan away. he thrives on knocking it into the 15 yards or so tipp leave free in front of him and letting his pace and quick turns do the rest.


Itā€™s not about whoā€™s a better option itā€™s whoā€™s going to start and itā€™s not Richie mc.

Exactly. Callanan isnā€™t as good as people make out. Youā€™ve to cut out the space in front him. If heā€™s left one on one heā€™ll go to town on you.

Sweeper will be no good against Tipp , we should go man on man and die on the field. Put in a savage workrate, hooking, blocking etc and you never know.

Tipp donā€™t like it up um, KK always go man to man with them. We have to pick our best back six and trust them, fuck this Waterford sweeper shit.

Canā€™t be done effectively overnight. Theyā€™re over 2 years at it.


Itā€™s a not a sweeper you need just a 6 to drop deep. With possibly a centre forward dropping into midfield.

Iā€™d agree with that, If I had my way Iā€™d have Jimbob hanging around the 40 protecting Richie and that would also give Byrnes licence to go up the field which is his natural game and pick off a few points.

It will be Gavin in front of our fullback. Jim Bob possibly at 11 if not midfield.

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Iā€™m not necessarily advocating a sweeper, kk always go man to man but all their backs tend to drift towards the centre or drop back a bit leaving no space to run through, their physicality out the field means its often poor or at best 50/50 high ball that goes into FF against them, the second its hit they have someone sprinting back into the D to help. They squeeze the life out of teams. Not easy to replicate a well coached sweeper is the short term fix.

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Iā€™ve great time for Gavin, He has rarely let us down if ever come championship since his debut in 2008, I wouldā€™nt have a problem with him at 6 and Byrnes at 5. I would bring Jimbob back in around the 40 thoughā€¦on his day thereā€™s no better man to win the breaking/dirty ball.

Whoā€™s going to play on the other wingā€¦presume R Lynch or Wayne Macā€¦


It canā€™t be done in a hap hazard kind of way just because we barely pulled if out against the Dubs when they probably werenā€™t that interested in the league.

Man mark the fuck out of Tipp, bring Limerick raw physicality and heart and put the wind up them and youā€™d never know.

Talk to any auld fella across Limerick city and county and theyā€™'ll say the same thing. We never feared the bastardsā€¦

i was told once that limerick never feared tipp and i believe itā€¦

ye just canā€™t concede early goals, the longer its competitive the doubts might creep in. Full blooded blocking and jostling wont make mccarthy faster off the mark unfortunately.

Send on lads to the field to stop the Tipp half back lines diagonal balls to their forwards and half the battle will be won.

If we can achieve thatā€¦weā€™ve every chanceā€¦pure workrate and you never know.

Any team that stays with this Tipp team into the last 20 mins has a serious chance.

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Lads Iā€™m getting nervous reading this thread.
I was looking at a Tipp winning margin of 8 points +.
Now Iā€™m not so sure. Are the players aware of these plans to keep within 3 points with 20 mins to go and the centre back going to mid field, etc etc ?

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Sorry to tell you brimmer mate but weā€™re going to kick the fuck out of ye again.