Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

Whats the difference

I hope the fuck that no players or management read this forum.Ye are all talking about cutting the space off in front of Callinan , playing fellows in the D , dropping a centre back deep , but the one thing ye are forgetting is denying the other 14 Tipp fuckers the opportunity of getting the ball into THAT space.If we attempt to sit off at any stage, puck outs , free,s general play , these Tipp Fuck Faces will find the space and no full back will stop Callinan. My tuppence worth is to go one on one with savage work rate using the full quota of players on the day.

That seems like a viable plan.
Maybe it just might work.


He obviously is as good as people make out if you feel you canā€™t leave him one on one with the full back

No you just need to cut space infront of him. Kilkenny have 4 forwards better than him and thereā€™s been loads more over the years. Callanan is a bottler he cost tipp two all Irelandā€™s. Heā€™s a flat track bully.


Callanan is undeniably one of the top forwards in the country.

That said, he can be marked, same as almost anyone can, in the right conditions. Given space heā€™ll destroy anyone. By the way, Richie has done better against him than most.

If he was the best forward in the country he wouldnā€™t need space. Heā€™s very good but no where near as good people make out.

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There are lots of different types of forwards, Callanan is one of the most effective and best in the game. TJ Reid is probably a shade better, and canning is the best. Not many others are as effective in terms of scoring power and influence on a game.

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Kelly is streets ahead of callanan.

Very different types of players. Callanan couldnā€™t do what Kelly does. But Kelly wouldnā€™t be as good a full forward as Callanan.

ā€œHeā€™s not as good as Tony Kellyā€ isnā€™t much of an argument. Not many are.

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Callanan is a poor manā€™s Brian Begley.


Rintintin once enraged a pub full of Kerry men by referring to Kieran ā€œDonnellyā€ in similar terms

That spoofer and pretty much full time media whore Daly live on Game On again tonight. :rollseyes:

Taking Limerick GAA for an absolute ride. Obscene waste of resources that could be put to far better use elsewhere.


Itā€™s crazy stuff. How the county board can let this happen is beyond me. We get all the success we deserve.

Come again.

You are a smart man harry youā€™ll figure it out.

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The Limerick optimism levels are off the charts. :grin:


ahh @carryharry THEM POOR PEOPLE nice guys

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He be on TJs team so :joy: