Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

Fuck you balbec.

Some people just can’t take a compliment. Nothing wrong with being assertive and holding strong opinions.


No result is a draw AFAIK!!

2-5 from play marking JJ Delaney in two All Irelands
3-4 from play and won a penalty in last year’s All Ireland semi

Lads take this shit elsewhere we don’t want to read 50 posts here about whether or not Seamus Callinan is the first, second, third or fourth best forward in Ireland currently. We don’t care about such meaningless things here.


On a related matter we will find out how good callanan is when he meets Dan morrissey Sunday two weeks in thurles.

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You’re deluded if you think Dan Morrissey will start full back. Is this from one of your “moles” inside the camp?

You’ve mugged yourself off here.


The man must have had a compressed spine after the match from the weight of the lads he was carrying.
I can’t remember a better performance in recent years.


Is that the plan? Dan morrissey jumps Callinan in the car park before the match?

Best plan I’ve heard so far in fairness.


Is he the next messiah after Callanan wrecked Richie last year?

No the plan is Dan to play full back and as long as seamie doesn’t get injured or switched they’ll be going toe to toe.

I can tony kelly three weeks Ago.

Oh Dan-e morrissey oh Dan-e morrissey

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I haven’t seen much of morrissey but he’s slow as a hearse and that’s the main reason Richie has to go

Richie has to go because he isn’t fit. He’s a brilliant reader of the game and that’s what allowed him to break even with callanan in 13 and 14. Needs somebody to cover space in front of him or else his lack of pace will be exploited. I’ve seen Dan m play plenty of times but I don’t see why he is at at three but I’m not the manager yet.

You’re a broken record and you’re a bad wum to boot can you just stop trying to be so edgy and in the know as clearly you are neither.

I liked you and all smark.