Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

But when Dan morrissey lines up at 3 in two weeks time you are going to look like an ape.

Iā€™ll quite happily look like an ape if that happens, Iā€™ll admit i was wrong. When it doesnā€™t happen though will you resign from this forum as youā€™re making big claims here and iā€™d hate to think you were making things up for the sake of it?

I spoke to various moles over the weekend and heard many different teams. Itā€™s a lot harder to find out information this season than last there was world war 3 after Clare team was leaked. Anyway how training was going Etc. One common dominator was that Dan morrissey was playing at 3. Then a friend who tends to be right about these things sent me a team that shocked me so I sent it on to a couple of esteemed tfk posters. The most in the know man on this thread corrected it and sent me back the actual team and hey presto who was at 3 only Dan morrissey. I trust this man and given everyone else that I asked also told me the same thing I firmly believe it to be 100 percent true. Iā€™m deeply saddened you donā€™t have time for me I know Iā€™m not popular on here but I thought we were e friends.

He is very difficult to mark if fb is English then the spare man needs to be quick and a good reader of the game that would suit hickey. I still think Richie will start full back but you probably know more. R lynch at sweeper// free man wont work though he hasnā€™t the pace for it

Ronan Lynch isnā€™t starting afaik and there will be no sweeper that is for sure.

I think thatā€™s going a bit too far in showing this unnamed man your gratitude.



Ah lovely the lunacy levels are finally cranking up for two weeks time!

There will need to be someone to pick up the breaks though cause sc will cause havoc. the corner backs will have their hands full. He hasnā€™t got to the form yet of last 2 years though & big games for our corner backs McGrath and bubbles (whoā€™s actually been plating out the field a bit)

Lads are going on about how cutting out the space in front of big Seamie is key,for me his greatest ability is creating space for himself be it with deft touches and flicks or using his strength to push away to gain the tiny distance advange he needs to create a scoring chance.

Iā€™m rattled here when Mac turned on me I was a bit miffed but smark I canā€™t handle. Iā€™m hanging up the keyboard.

Not a single Limerick poster thinks we will win against Tipp.

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Like a candle in the wind.

Where have you placed Dowling & tom Morrissey?

Not an outstanding save in 09. The shot was slightly mis-hit ( I was in the front row of the middle tier right behind the goal) but, like Howard Wilkinson said about Lee Chapman, youā€™ve got to get there to miss them.
Bunny dunne cost Tipp the final in 09.

Whatā€™s with this PM nonsense post up the team for FFS. Hannon at centre back and all.

  1. Morrissey 2. Morrissey 3. Morrissey 4. Morrissey 5. Morrissey 6. Hannon 7. Morrissey 8. Morrissey 9. Morrissey 10. Morrissey 11. Morrissey 12. Morrissey 13. Morrissey .14 Dowling 15. Morrissey

Morrissey is a good player. We could do with 10 more of him.

I donā€™t trust him at fullback tho, Iā€™d swap him with Morrisseyā€¦

@anon32894817 is correct about Richie being dropped and one of the Morrissey lads slotting in at 3.

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