Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

John Mullane referring to our manager as “PJ Ryan” in today’s Indo is the only thing that has cheered me up this morning.

In the space of a few lines Mullane (deservedly) stuck the boot in to us anyway.

Id say it’s the ghost writer / editor made that mistake. Mullane sure doesn’t write those articles all by himself!


Obviously it was the ghost writer/editors mistake but it amused me in a dark humour at a funeral type way.

yeh but tipp scored 3-7 from play with only 5 forwards for most of the game while limerick scored 1-8 with their full complement. who cares who scores as long as you get them?

The Intermediate final will be in the Gaelic Grounds. They did well yesterday but should have been out of sight by half-time.

@TreatyStones you tard


It’s a conspiracy

“who cares who scores” is straight out of the Whactics playbook. Intercounty hurling is a bit more sophisticated than that. I expect Tipp will have a long hard look at their forward play yesterday.

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Can any one cite an instance where we won a clean ball after a long delivery into the forwards?
If the high ball into Hannon was going to work he had 3 great opportunities to win ball early on and barely even contested them.
Why, regardless of how many forwards we play, do we never seem able to create the space for the full forward line like other teams can against us?
Why can’t we catch the ball in the forwards?
Why can’t we break a ball to one of our own players? The only time we seem to be anyway effective in the forwards is when it’s reduced to blocking and harrying dirty ball.

I think Hegarty won a ball and laid it off to Nash for a point.

It makes no matter with Ryan and Clarke at the helm. They have to walk, the year could be salvaged if we got Shane O’Neill and maybe Carey in for the rest of the year.

if its sophistication your after how about this. a 5 man forward line gets a free, now theyre down to 4 being marked by 6 backs. the freetaker plays the ball back to…yep indeed an unmarked forward who taps it over the bar. theres a bit of sophistication for any limerick hurling philosopher to mull over for a while


Limerick players were once able to do that, even as recently as 2014 in Croke Park.

And one last thing. The half-socks are beginning to annoy me, another sign of players doing their own thing.

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Nice one :clap:

Half socks are cool

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Diarmaid Byrnes was above in the half forward line talking to Graeme Mulcahy for that one. Summed up our day. A disgraceful performance, worse than last year in my opinion.

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Has that fucking Muppet Ryan been sacked or resigned yet?


Ah yes, some of our players are cooler than others and need to highlight that

my blood pressure rose again when I saw that two Limerick players were on the hoganstand team of the week. Lynch & Hickey.