Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

Some people thought Hickey had a shocker and some thought he wasnā€™t bad. My own thoughts are it was one of his better games.

As an aside did anyone hear the story that Davey Clarke confronted one of the players at training and scalded him that there were witnesses to him eating a pizza? And that said player laid Clarke out? I heard that one earlier.

Nothing wrong at all with eating a pizza. If Iā€™m training hard Iā€™ll sometimes have two for the dinner.

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The problem here is that the leadership of the players are the first ones who should get the chop. Hickey, James Ryan, Gavin, Paudie Oā€™Brien, Richie, Wayne Mac, Condon, Dowling, Hannon are all lads who could get the road/have been dropped who are the natural leaders of the group. Any new man is going to be looking to replace a good lot of these fellas. Cant see a heave from them coming as surely they know they are on their way too.

TJ will not do what now needs to be done, because he is a clown. The players have zero faith in him. What he needs to do is cull the deadwood (needed last year not to mind now ffs) and just go with youth.

  1. N. Quaid
  2. M. Casey
  3. R. English
  4. S. Oā€™Brien
  5. D. Byrnes
  6. G. Oā€™Mahony
  7. A. Dempsey
  8. P. Browne
  9. C. Lynch
  10. B. Nash
  11. T. Morrissey
  12. D. Oā€™Donovan
  13. G. Mulcahy
  14. R. Lynch
  15. Colin Ryan

Cant be any worse than what we saw yesterday.


Iā€™m all for youth but fellas need to get rid of the idea of Gavin as a CB very good hurler but heā€™s not strong enough and has chicken legs,only place I would even consider starting him now is midfield if at all.I would even put Browne in his natural position at corner back with English and Casey we need a complete overhaul back there!

He should be fucked out no mess. Tipp were on the ropes

Was it Hickey who took the short sideline straight to Callanan in front of the goal in the second half? He must have the worst hurling brain of any hurler Iā€™ve ever seen


It was, the fucking clown.

The rumour from last week was Clarke and Flynn were rolling around the ground pucking the heads off each other.

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I am fed up of reading this shit for the last 24 hours. We can pick 99 different teams but nothing will change. All we want is to use our talents in the right way and be competitive the odd year. Two chances of that.


Two limerick selectors were fighting over a pizza?


Would agree with @Breaking_my_balls - yesterday was worse than last year which is some feat in itself. Far worse in the circumstances actually. Five or ten minutes into the second half you knew it was gone, even with the extra man. If it had been 15 v 15 we would have been looking at a twenty point defeat.

After the 2015 campaign it was the ideal time to cut a few lads who have been good servants but whose best days are behind them. Show some ruthlessness, send out some signal that theyā€™d be willing to drop big names.

Instead we got weak management who couldnā€™t make a decision. Carrying 40 or 50 lads on the panel at the start of the year - couldnā€™t make it up. Lads on the panel at the start of the year who didnā€™t have a hope in hell of making a championship match day squad. Complete inability to identify or implement a system of play that suits the players available. Even worse the spirit and life has been sucked out of the squad. And the supporters.

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You could have switched the channel.

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I was in a pub you ape. Anybody give a decent report on the intermediate game?

Eh 2009 was infinitely worse pal and that performance yesterday came from the same reason.You are insane if you think TJ will get another year! Giving Lynch a disgrace rating is very harsh himself and Mulcahy were our only 2 forwards who at least worked hard if anything else.


Maybe they should put a bit of cheese on the sliotar at training.


No that was the worst ever. In 09 weā€™d a team of journeymen. If Ryan gets to q/f and agreed to get rid of Clarke he will probably get another year.

We need to build around the likes of Colin Ryan, Nicky, English, Nash, d o Donovan and Paul Browne.

Those arenā€™t lads you build around.

Yes they are. There as tough as nails, good players and no bull shit. The likes of the prince of castletroy, Cian lynch,ALTC have their uses but they arenā€™t natural leaders.

English is there to stay yeah. I would have Byrnes at the top of the list of those to build around over the coming years. Cian Lynch too to be fair.