Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

If thatā€™s a serious question Iā€™d suggest jumping in front of traffic.

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:rollseyes: you are an awful ape. Limerick Gaa has been mugged by more money hungry cunts than any other county hurling or football. We need show daly, kinnerk and all these other cunts the door. Iā€™ll be damned if that tipp cunt gets near a Limerick inter county team. Heā€™s one of most vile people I knew charging for after dinner talks, the Sunday game etc heā€™s an utter cunt and everything that is wrong with modern gaa. We need to bring in lads that actually care. John kiely appears to have said no so Iā€™d almost certainly pick ciaran Carey whoā€™ll surround himself with a good management team and knows the players and has their respect.

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Ciaran Carey has found his level. He is too old school for Hurling of today.

Sheedy has done well out of winning an AI, fair fucks to him. He gets people involved who do their jobs very well. He overlooks every aspect of preparation and his results are decent considering a dominant KK team he faced at the time.

Only a fucking tool wouldnā€™t want him.

No Tipp man need apply. Fuck right off.


Itā€™s done pending Sheedy agreeing to it, please keep up

Found his level by improving pretty much every single side heā€™s worked with. Sheedy is a money grabbing cunt and we donā€™t need anymore of those in Limerick gaa.

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ā€œWeā€ donā€™t pay the bills you numpty.

Reliable source?

The person who told me.

Yes, are they?


Fair enough then. We shall wait and see.

Iā€™d imagine itā€™s Not true at all. Given the link between Daly and kinnerk and the county board heā€™d surely be the front runner.

Why do you think Kinnerk will jump with daly? Big Mick says Daly and Cunningham. Seems more likely to me.

Daly was offered the gig in Februaryā€¦itā€™s well knownā€¦but Harry reckons something has changedā€¦there could be a vacancy in Clare soon enough also.

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Daly got kinnerk into the Limerick gig. Kinnerk does the wides for the 14s and Limerick set him up for life by all accounts this year. Kinnerk has also been quoted saying how much he admires Daly and would love to work under him.

mental breakdown?

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You have to be sane to start with.


Not really, Clare are going no where with Davy, he is holding them back in a big way at this stage.

Itā€™s Sheedyā€™s job if he wants it. Six figure sum. Limerick have tried one of their own, and have gone through three Cork managers as well. If Sheedy doesnā€™t take it, theyā€™re very interest in Anthony Cunningham. For half the price.

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