Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

Clare will play with three sweepers. For the good of hurling our whactics need to prevail.

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They could play with only 5 defenders and still nulify our forwards :sweat:

We’ll batter the cunts. Start a big fucking row at the throw in and make it a battle the whole way.
Battle of the midget Davys on the sideline as Clarke KO’s Fitz

I certainly won’t be accepting any sandwiches off strangers around Thurles anyway… :wink:

Would love to see the contrast in the dressing rooms, Clare dressing room with clip boards, dossiers, whiteboards with games plans a to f, tactical talks from Dog, followed by Davy followed by kinnerk … In the Limerick dressing room TJ telling them to ‘let it in long to f##k’ and Clarke breaking Hurley’s off walls.

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Clarkey’s been cleaning all before him in training at half back and is in line for a suprise recall.


I have only considered players that don’t look like they will shit their togs if the ball came to them thus I selected Casey over Hickey, Condon etc. Hannon has ability but we have not seen it in two years. We have a problem at center back (and in about 12 other places as well) and Hannon has the physique and the hurling for the position. Whether he has the head is to be determined. Why I am e-discussing this with a Cork man I’ll never know.

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This is the best draw we could have hoped for. No point in scraping a win over Wexford and been fed to the wolves on the 24th. They’re either up for it or not.
Great draw for the GAA as it will ensure a good crowd maybe 25k.


Historical figure wise Clare will have Napoleon,Benedict Arnold and the Scarlet pimpernel on the sidelines while we have Davie Crocket and Jim Bowie at the Alamo.

Abbot and Costello on our side morelike


We’ll have Baldrick and the fella that Hugh Laurie played…


I’m claiming this as a TFK exclusive. I am now the forums resident expert on all GAA scheduling matters.


Ah lovely, you are the oracle pal. :slight_smile:

That’s handy now. Rare common sense from the GAA.

Will be down early for the football along with the other 713 Gaelic football fans from Limerick and Cork so will get the best parking spot available.

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Will you stay for the whole lot dodgy? That’s some marathon.

Some craic if one or two of those matches go to extra time…!

I’ll be in for the football, we are a limited team but you know they’ll leave it all out there. Staring down the barrel of a ten point plus defeat in fairness.

Still think they might get closer to Cork than the hurlers will to Clare.

I’ll have a few hours to kill inside after the football is over. Might grab a chat with @Joe_Player in the Kinnane Stand to waste the time - “wIL ye win 2day, bud.” :unamused:


Good job you’re not from Tipp. You’d go through some amount of tinfoil for the day


Triple header. Excellent!

Wouldn’t be confident in either, but hopefully we give it our all in both. The footballers must be serious outsiders against Cork but if we at least put in a performance like the Tyrone one last year, I’d be satisfied, considering the circumstances.

In the hurling, it’s a shocking indictment of the management team that I have little to no hope going into it. No matter what fifteen is put out, we just don’t have the tactical nous to break down anyone. We can’t even lump it in right. Losing to Clare is fucking shit, and you’d never hope to lose but if they go man-to-man on us, they could cause serious damage and that could really be the end of TJ. Hopefully we beat the fuckers and TJ will step aside at the end of the year anyway. If Clare do play a sweeper and we tighten up at the back, it could be a dour affair… could be our best hope, but if we play like we did against Tipp, we’ll lose anyway.

No, Jerome is a very proud born and bred Limerickman and Smark is right, he is from Pallas. The decent one, not the hillbilly knuckledragging inbred types in east Limerick.

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It’s gas to be hearing people trying to put a positive spin on yesterdays disaster. It was a win but never have I been so despondent after winning anything. The fact that Westmeath were ever ahead, not to mind ahead at half time, should have meant the end for this management team, but this is Limerick. At all times we must be positive, even after three years of ineptitude and fuck acting. We are not going to win an All-Ireland soon but we do have some super players, of that there is no doubt. How can players do so well at underage and then flop at senior grade? How can they lose skills? Don’t say anything though because PJ and Gerry from the big house will take their money away and then what would we do? Tell them to fuck off I say and get real hurling men in there who will feel a bit of pride in the jersey and get the best from our players. A clean out of the cunts at the top table is required also.


Who would you like as manger and chairman?

Well in fairness, you could say they showed a bit of bottle in terms of fourteen men. I made the conscious decision not to travel on Saturday and of course at 5 pm I was like a cunt. At 5 35pm I was like a bigger cunt in terms of I thought west meath were going to take them.
You’re right, it’s frustrating listening to people trying to put a positive spin on things. However the most frustrating part of all is knowing that there are 30 players currently in the county capable of doing a decent job on the field but because everyone all the trough wants their piece of cake, it leads to the current farcical set up we have at the moment.

If Declan Hannon was from Kilkenny, he’d be out to grass already. That’s the difference