Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

Oā€™Neill and Quaid mentioned as possibilities as wellā€¦ :fearful:

I think it would be great if Ciaran got it. But I donā€™t believe they will pick him.

He would only get it if he could bring a pretty experienced coaching team with him. I wouldnā€™t object, however with Cian being a part of the panel that would tend to put me off him getting the job. Also I believe certain Pā€™well members are promoting Anthony Cunninghamā€¦

We need a level headed guy to put a decent coaching team together. I personally would not like a media whore to get it (that rules out Daly, Sheedy etc.I wouldnt object to John Allen (TG4 isnt exactly self promoting) returning and Iā€™d imagine John Kiely wonā€™t have the time and Thursday will define his chance. The problem is the guys with the time on their hands are not the guys you want.

Foley is the brains of the operation apparently with Carey in the standoffish, tough manager role. That isnā€™t say to Carey doesnā€™t bring anything to the table but heā€™s the bad cop, which might be what we need or might blow the team apart altogether. He already has history of disciplining one of the current team members recently if stories are to be believed :grinning:
Both are necessary obviously and surrounded by a strong team itā€™d be a decent ticket.
Any Limerick man worth his salt would follow Carey off a cliff. Iā€™d give it a tentative yes. At least they have inter county management experience coming into it.
That said a lot of their achievements in Kerry were built on the back of Eamonn Kellyā€™s ground work.

I really donā€™t want Cunningham. He couldnā€™t sufficiently organise Galway thereā€™s no way he could manage us.

Iā€™d welcome daly or sheedy. Both have the experience to run a professional and organised set up and the reputation to face down the board if needs be. Theyā€™d also only get top people in working with them and know the worth of getting the right coaches and selectors on board with them. No club bias either.

I think kiely could do the same thing in terms of running the whole set up. Iā€™m not certain Carey could, but he is a good manager and the spiritual leader of limerick hurling and if certainly welcome him getting a shot. He really needs a lot of top notch guys on board with him though.

Quaid, Oā€™Connor, Oā€™Neill and Ryan are nowhere near up to it and if one of them is appointed I give up.

Stop trying to pretend you really donā€™t want Shane o Neil as the manager itā€™s pathetic.

I absolutely wouldnā€™t let him within an asses roar of it.

Edit: you gobshite

Is it something you could see him doing down the line at all?
I know fuck all about him but his record to date suggests that he could have something.

Carey absolutely devised the system the well used last year. Heā€™s a super man manager and is one of the best sideline tacticians around. Foley is the coach and works very closely with Carey devising every drill to carry out his game plan and his tactics. Carey isnā€™t as visible at trainings etc as he used to be but that doesnā€™t Mean he isnā€™t running the show, he absolutely is. Carey, foley and Ross Corbett please. Carey as was stated is the spiritual leader of Limerick hurling heā€™ll take no shit and clear out the spoofers immediately. The supporters will be behind fully which is key too.

Julio and I will not commenting on the rumours circulating that he received a phone call at 22:43 last night asking if we would take over the team.

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I presume @Julio_Geordioā€™s first order of business will be persuading David Breen to give it one more year?

Iā€™m applying for head of youth development role.

I just donā€™t think so, no.

As far as we are concerned Teege is still in the position and as such there is no vacancy to discuss. That has been our position from the start. I have made no secret of our desire to take the role at some stage, but I will not be drawn into discussing a role that is not even available at the moment. I have too much respect for TJ Ryan for that.


My first order of business will be to drop every single NAP player from the panel.


Iā€™ll bring the sandwiches if you can find a job for me, perhaps I can be I charge of the boots.

Excellent news. Our domination of club hurling can continue without impediment while you lead your rag tag band of rejects to Christy Ring glory.

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Christ I just remembered how much of a disgrace downes and Dowling were Saturday. Iā€™d be keep the 05 minors around longer 2011 21s.

Yeah they were definitely the two worst players on the field alright, you could definitely single them out over and above anyone else for criticism. I suppose Hannon will be your first name on the team sheet and taking the frees next year though?


We could actually have won if Downes hadnā€™t trickled his attempt at a point out over the end line