Limerick GAA, Still Getting Knocked Down

No balls and cant blame teege

No, the better team won.

What would you have done differently mate?

I’m genuinely interested to know. Can you offer something constructive?

It wasn’t exactly Nostradamus like in predicting our demise to a bunch of 2nd rate Mahers tonight with the week/year we’ve had.

Where does the blame lie exactly?

Hard Luck lads

Karma for idiots like you. :see_no_evil:

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The blame lies with all of us…getting excited about lads at 16/17 and hailing them as stars. The county board getting ahead of itself releasing books because they managed to get to a minor AI final and then one u21 win… it’s a disease as I said the other day… underage doesn’t matter a fuck it should be about developing players to play a Limerick way so when/if they graduate to senior they can slot into a style of play… instead we put major hype on young lads and ridiculous Importance on winning underage titles…Richie Bennis knows.


Try a bit harder you ape. :rollseyes:

Been saying it for years mate. Fucking years.

You’ll be saying it for a lot more

Harder in a 2nd rate Maher type of way?

Nope. Have given up. Enjoy underage success pal, its all that there is. You’ll only torment yourself chasing senior dreams.


Fuck off you fuckin fool.

Was playing in Mordor a credible reason for tonight’s failure?

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A lot of that is due to our lack of success, It’s understandable and I’m definitely guilty of it and I think we need to learn from it quickly.

But other then the “Richie knows” and the “Limerick way” cliches you’ve thrown out there, you’ve nothing constructive to add at all.

Did you ever play the game?, manage a team or do anything constructive within Limerick hurling?

Cunts like you giving it big licks here are no help either.

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It was that fucking Nathan Carter song at half time. Upset the whole balance of the thing

Don’t you dare lash out at me because I saw this coming a mile away… And I actually did put something constructive in there but you’re too irate to notice it. Cregan has been banging this drum for a while now also

I believe in you, pal.

This is all @Joe_Player 's fault. Bigging Cian Lynch up and giving him a big head.


I think you’ve nailed it there pal.

Minor and u-21 isn’t worth a tinkers curse. We win so little that we cling to whatever crumbs of silverware we can. As you say we’re all guilty of getting ahead of ourselves when we have a tiny bit of success. A book launch and civic reception for winning one AI u-21 against a terrible Wexford team. FFS. Cian Lynch rolled out in front of the media for about two weeks after getting MOTM in his senior debut v Clare in 2015 and he has barely pucked a ball since.

I couldn’t name one of the Kilkenny minor team that beat us in the minor final in '14. Because they know it’s not worth a damn and senior is the only show in town.

After the fiasco of the league campaign this year Spike gave a state of the nation address saying “there were far more positives than negatives about the league”. That’s what you’re dealing with. We don’t have winners involved.


Big difference this year was the number of 21’s on the seniors, leading to a more disjointed panel. You’d often see it.

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