Limerick GAA - All-Ireland senior hurling champions 2018

As I said our whole attack was built around Flanagan creating space for Gillane and Graeme by dragging the full back out or else using him as an outlet for long diagonal balls with him finding hayes or Hegarty running from deep. Shifting him into corner and having Dowling full forward basically takes these two options away. Dowling is arguably our best forward but him and Flanagan in the same full forward line doesn’t work in my opinion in this system. It’s one or the other. I think Flanagan gave an outstanding display v cork and deserves to go back to 14. It’s a difficult one to weight up though as Dowling offers a lot and is normally very good on the frees.

Limerick hurling has some of the thickest bastards folliwing it and discussing it on social media so it does.

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Taking Mul off was a big error. He was ideal for a 2 man forward line where mobility would have been a big asset. Not that it would have mattered as passing Bunratty must a been a sign to the players that they were on their way to Kilkee and played as if they were on holidays

Lynch > Kelly :rofl:



None of our players were “suited to a two man full forward line” when the rest of the team was langering high aimless ball onto the Clare extra man. They couldn’t even hit to space and make it a footrace. We completely lost the heads and reverted to fucking it up in air. In saying that, our half forward line mostly failed to operate and rarely offered an outlet.


Ideally we wouldn’t have been operating a 2 man full foward line but taking off the lad that can run was a shite decision . All your other points are well made.

Hegarty was dreadful today. I can’t believe he was left on the field as long as he was.

We were destroyed in midfield. Lynch and O’Donovan were ruined. Galvin put on a show


Clare were constantly going short to the corner back who in turn hit the wing back on the run who ran diagonally across into midfield where they drew their frees from our chasing half forwards,infuriating to watch.


While not as good defenders the speed and skills of the clare backs are well ahead of our lads. Our full back line of finn, English and Casey is very small by modern standards and not the Fastest either. Very good defensively though in general.

Hegarty is fine when you have a lead and he can pressure the opposition HB line into rushed clearances,when it comes to chasing a game he is fairly redundant he doesn’t have a bit of ground hurling in him and if he fails to win primary possesion in the air struggles something awful.

There were guys out that really needed to be hooked that were left on because we were out of subs/because the wrong subs were made.

You knew we were fucked when Condon came on an out and out timber merchant whos style was left in the 80s,some Clare fella shouted straight down when he came on “handy one for ye now lads!” He wasn’t wrong.Pat Ryan dropped from the panel when we needed some legs inside
While David Reidy stayed sitting on the bench with Hegarty and Hayes completely gone.Strange.

I said it all week, Limerick needed to freshen it up today. I would have made whole sale changes to give lads a chance, I think intensity would have been higher. The Cork game shattered these lads. The break will do them good now. Condon and Reidy on the bench are not great options. I think Kiely got found out today, when we needed Clare to go long into the breeze he gave them the short puck out. Two years in a row, it plays into the hands of a Kelly and Galvin who roam deep to pick up ball. I think he would want to man up and trust his players and squad. Casey and Gillane to come in. If you are not starting David Dempsey drop him as he is having zero impact. Hegarty needs the break, he looks goosed. Hayes was poor today. He needs to improve his striking on the run also.

Condon and McCarthy coming on both very strange. The treatment of hickey has been shocking. Hickey picked full back, taken out of his wing back position, backed at full back despite all evidence, cleaned by Forde in the league. Sent out against Forde again, similar result, subbed. And now condon and McCarthy have both jumped ahead of him? Doesn’t make sense. Hickey would have been the perfect sub to bring in to follow Kelly with Hannon left the loose man at the back instead of our pointless double sweeper set up.

Classic cliché “take off the corner forward” calls in subbing Mulcahy and Flanagan. Neither were great and Flanagan’s touch in particular was very off, but Hegarty, Hayes and O’Donovan should have gone before either of them.


You are right. It seems he makes a decision and if it back fires the player loses out due to it.

The sideline had an awful day today . Hopefully they analyze their calls thoroughly and learn .

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I wouldn’t have made wholesale changes, I couldn’t see why you would have, and I didn’t think three weeks should affect a team, still don’t think it should. But you’re not wrong on anything you said there.

Conor Boylan should be on that panel. He’s a proper half forward.

fuck but ye are gas altogether.
like a collective manic bi-polar disorder they way ye swing from one extreme to another

tis only a round robin match